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Food Comas Postprandial sleepiness, or a food coma, is symptom caused by reduced blood flow to the brain as blood is pumped to the stomach to aid digestion. If you overeat, you may experience more severe symptoms. My drowsiness after lunch has gotten worse as I get on in years. When I was younger, I could eat like a horse and had no problems digesting the food. But now, I feel bloated and drowsy if I over-..
BookTubers Many people these days operate YouTube channels with their own unique content. So-called "BookTubers" deal primarily with books on their channels. BookTubers introduce the books they read, or make recommendations for good reads during certain times. They also share their know-how on writing notes about the books they read. Some users create unboxing videos of books that they have delivered to th..
Apartment Complex Parking Issues Most apartment complexes have parking space for 1.3 to 1.5 cars per household. But many households these days have days have two cars, so parking difficulties are an inevitable problem. People often double park as a solution to this problem. But this leads to problems of its own. There is a risk of damaging another car's bumper when pushing a double-parked car to make room. Double-parked cars ca..
TESOL I am an English teacher at a language institute. I recently started an online TESOL course to gain expertise. TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It's a type of training course that provides teaching methods to English instructors who teach English to people as a second language. TESOL courses teach various teaching methods, each with a focus on reading, listening, ..
The Benefits of Masks Once the COVID-19 crisis comes to an end, we will be able to take off our masks and return to normal. Of course, wearing a mask feels stuffy. Also, it's uncomfortable for people who wear glassess because their breath fogs up the lenses. But I've been thinking about the benefits of masks, too. First, being able to cover your facial expressions can come in handy. You can hide your expression when ..
The Courage to Survive Last year, I was diagnosed with cancer during a medical check-up. I was in denial at first and went to various hospitals to get a second opinion. But, in the end, I had to receive surgery. After the surgery, I had hard time trying to control my turbulent emotions. I was grateful that the cancer was found at an early stage and was treatable by surgery. But the negative emotions were stronger. Imp..
Spacing out I like to space out. Normally when people say they space out, it means they're not thinking about anything at all. But that's not thecase for me. When I space out, I daydream about this and that. I think about different things each time, but BTS comes to mind a lot these days. I've imagined what it would be like to grow up and become a veterinarian. I've thought about the main stotyline of a nov..
Audio Language School The Audio Language School is service that gives users unlimited access to about 70 different programs for a monthly fee of just 4,900won. I mostly listen to "입트영" and "귀트영". On "입트영", listeners post their experiences, which are then translated into English for speaking practice. I enjoy studying English each day through fun, real-world topics. "귀트영" shifts the focus to listening and reading skil..