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Plants as Decor Planterior is a compound word combining plant and interior. You can often see department store interiors decorated to look like forests these days. Seeing forests indoors soothes the eyes and offers a sense of healing. Herbs and flowers are also commonly kept in singl-person households and by families. In addition to being a worthwhile hobby, these plants help to relax the mind and body. The sub..
Writing a Book I am an avid reader. I like to record my thoughts on a book, as well as memorable passages. But one day, I started to think that I would like to write myself. After searching online, I learned that there are sites that will make books for you. I found a site where I could write essays about myself, so I took the plunge and signed up. The goal is to write about a keyword of the day, every day for..
Making Winter Kimchi Here, in Korea, the birthplace of kimchi, most households participate in something called 'kimjang' heading into the winter. This refers to making large quantities of kimchi to prepare for the cold winter. It's an annual event, somewhat akin to preparing for the winter. Of course, the number of households that do kimjang is on the wane as more and more people opt for store-bought kimchi. But man..
Friends from Other Countries I often meet people from English-speaking countries in Korea because of my line of work. There are advantages to meeting people from overseas this ways. Firstly, I can learn about different cultures. People in Korea from abroad tend to try to adopt to Korean people. But sometimes, I can still feel the culture gap. When that happens, we teach each other and learn about our respective cultures. It..
Cyber Universities A cyber university is a school that has been officially recognized for higher education courses by the Ministry of Education. The top selling point of cyber university is that students can attend courses without being bound by time or location. Secondly, repeat viewings of lectures make it easy to review content that you didn't quite get. The third draw is that tuition fees are low, and therefor..
Airline Baggage Restrictions COVID-19 has placed heavy restrictions on traveling abroad. But there are now more passengers on domestic flights. Compared with international flights, domestic flights have fewer luggage restrictions. But there are certain basic regulations in place to ensure safety in air travel. Lighters, e-cigarettes, and power banks can't be put in checked baggage. They must be carried on board. There are a..
National Holidays Any desk jockey will welcome a day off on the calendar. Of course, sometimes we have to go to work even on a national holiday, but a red date on the calendar is still a mood lifter. That's why at the turn of the year, we always flip through the new calendar to see how many holidays there are. Thankfully, a substitute holiday policy was put into effect in 2021. It means that if holiday coincides ..
NFT(Non-Fungible Tokens) NFT is short for Non-Fungible Token. It's a kind of digital certificate that uses blockchain technology. It refers to digital assets given a certain value, such as works of art, reall estate, or digital content. Each NFT has its own value, so they are not mutually interchangeable. Another characteristic trait is that they can't be tampered with. That's why NFTs are being widely implemented in fi..