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The Courage to Survive

Last year, I was diagnosed with cancer during a medical check-up. I was in denial at first and went to various hospitals to get a second opinion. But, in the end, I had to receive surgery. After the surgery, I had hard time trying to control my turbulent emotions. I was grateful that the cancer was found at an early stage and was treatable by surgery. But the negative emotions were stronger. Important oppotunities for me went up in smoke because of my cancer treatment. I was filled with rage. But I didn't want to live my life with this sense of defeat. I looked back on what my life has been like so far. And I put into writing all these thoughts and feelings. This made me change my lifestyle completely, and I am going for my dream that I have kept bottled up for 30 years.


go up in smoke - to be wasted

bottle up - to keep (a feeling or emotion) inside instead of expressing, to hide


  • It's common to be in denial when you first hear bad news. 
  • Our plans went up in smoke because of weather.
  • It's never to late to go for one's dream. / I encourage my son to go for his dream.

1: Do you receive regular check-ups?

2: Yes, I go in at least every other year.

1: Good for you.

2: I have a family history of cancer, so I'm especially careful.

1: Oh, then you really should be careful.

2: Yes, After all, cancer treatment is easier if it is discovered early.