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Spacing out

I like to space out. Normally when people say they space out, it means they're not thinking about anything at all. But that's not thecase for me. When I space out, I daydream about this and that. I think about different things each time, but BTS comes to mind a lot these days. I've imagined what it would be like to grow up and become a veterinarian. I've thought about the main stotyline of a novel I want to write. I say I space out despite thinking about these things, because outwardly I look like I am out of it.

A modern person's brain never gets a chance to catch its breath. We stay glued to our smartphones even when we take a break. The constant stream of information means our brains aren't resting at all. Spacing out is an effective way to let the brain take five. That's why I wish my mom would respect the time I spend spacing out.


  • I used to daydream about being a famous singer. / It's common for people to daydream about winning the lottery.
  • I was so tired that I was out of it all day. / Even when he seems to be out of it, he's listening.
  • You need to take five occasionally, or you will be exhausted.

1: The evening commute can be a nightmare, can't it?

2: Yes, I do get tired out because I have to be on a bus for even over an hour.

1: Why don't you get some shuteye?

2: Sometimes I do, but mostly I just clear my mind and space out.

1: Oh, that's good, too.

2: Yes, I think it's good to give my brain for break for a bit