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Group Chats At first, it wasn't easy for me to strike up conversation with strangers in group chats. But I soon came to realize that, unlike other online communities, chatrooms enable real-time communication. This is a big plus. These days, I am active in several group chats. First, there are group chats for friends and family. There are also group chats for school parents, moms in our apartment complex, bo..
Book Clubs I have been part of a book club for 4 years now. We first met as the moms of our kids' neighborhood friends. But then we came to learn that we were all bookworms. Thanks to a can-do leader, we formed out club. We choose two books each month by a vote. We then read those books and have a discussion via online chat. We read all sorts of books, including novels, essays, the liberal arts, history, a..
Obtaining a National License I currently do work related to quality control in the quality department of our company. But 5 years ago, I also started getting involved in safety-related work. Since it was not my principal duty, my understanding of safety-related tasks was lacking. Improvements were slow to arrive. So one day, I took to heart the old saying that "you see what you know". I set my sights on a national license f..
Two Kids, Two Personalities I have two sons. With a five-year age gap between them, they have completely different personalities. My dad sometimes jokingly asks how two kids born and raised by the same parents can be so different. Our eldest son has an introverted personality and is very sensitives. The slightest noise wakes him up at night. If something bothers him, no matter how minor, he gets worked up about it until it..
Why I Decided to Marry My Husband I met my husband at church. We went steady for about two and a half years, and tied the knot in church. I made up my mind to marry him because he was always there for me. That showed me how he really felt. I sometimes lack patience and I flip-flop a lot. But my husband is anchored, in terms of his personal relationships and social life. That sincere attitude convinced me I could count on him. Mo..
Learning to Drive I got my driver's license when I had some free time before starting college. But for ten years, I rarely had occasion to drive. My license fell into disuse. My husband sits in the passenger seat and helps on the occasional short trip. But his constant nagging about my mistakes was too much to bear. I started to avoid driving. My husband and I were an office couple until recently. We commuted tog..
Changing Your Home Layout Ever since moving into our current house, we have changed the layout several times. When we first moved in, we set aside a room for our kids where they could sleep on their own. But that ended in failure, so we moved their bed back into the master bedroom. Not long after that, my husband complained that it was uncomfortable to sleep together. We ended up getting another bed, so I could sleep wit..
60th Birthdays and Old Age My mother has reached 60 years old. Everyone has mixed feeling when they enter a new decade, but turning 60 in particular feels more significant. When people talked about turning 60 in the past, it conjured up images of elderly grandparents wearing traditional clothing at large gatherings. But times have changed, and that kind of old image is a thing of the past. There is a saying that 'life beg..