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Food Comas

Postprandial sleepiness, or a food coma, is symptom caused by reduced blood flow to the brain as blood is pumped to the stomach to aid digestion. If you overeat, you may experience more severe symptoms. My drowsiness after lunch has gotten worse as I get on in years. When I was younger, I could eat like a horse and had no problems digesting the food. But now, I feel bloated and drowsy if I over-indulge at lunchtime. It even gets in the way of my work in the afternoon. That's why I try to eat light at lunchtime with coffee, soy milk, or salad. Having light meals at lunchtime has definitely made me feel less drowsy afterwards. It's earier for me to say focused on my work in the afternoon, too. As an added bonus, I can unwind as I read or take a walk during the extra free time I have at lunch break.


bloated - swollen and rounded because of containing too much air, liquid, or food / uncomfortably full

over-indulge - to allow yourself to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink


  • She eats like a horse and never gains weight. / I was so hungry that I ate like a horse.
  • I always feel bloated when I'm on a flight. / I skipped lunch because I felt bloated.
  • Let's stay focused on just this problem for now. / I couldn't stay focused on my work because of the noise.

1: Don't you feel drowsy in the afternoon, after lunch?

2: Of course I do.

1: I keep nodding off. It's a big problem for me.

2: It helps to eat light at lunchtime.

1: I've heard that.

2: I think going for a light stroll after lunchh can also help prevent food comas.