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Making Fermented Foods I have a soft spot for fermented foods, so I eat yogurt and natto every day. But whenever I bought these products, the plastic package they used weighed on my mind. That's why I decided to try my hand at making these fermented foods myself at home. Anyone can easily make fermented foods, as long as you control the temperature properly. I decided to use a home-use warmer. To make yogurt, you mix ..
Getbol, Korea’s Tidal Flats In the past, people thought that Korea's tidal flats were of no use. But the tidal flats play a huge role in our lives, in the health of the earth, and in the lives of various organisms. We gain various types of seafood from the tidal flats, like octopus, crab, and shellfish. The tidal flats are also home to many endangered species of birds, like storks. They also provide a habitat for many rare..
Reflux Esophagitis Various minor ailments can ruin the quality of life for modern people. Major examples include nasal inflammation (rhinitis), chronic headaches, and dermatitis. I have had a hard time lately because of reflux esophagitis. Major symptoms include heartburn, nausea, and frequennt burping. When esophagitis symptoms occur, you must treat them with prescription meds. But more that anything, it's import..
Overseas Business Trips for Working Moms Last December, I had to go on a ten-day business trip abroad because of my job. As a working mom with 5-year-old twin girls, this was devastating news. It weighed heavily on me, because I knew that 10 days was heavy burden for my in-laws, husband, and young daughters. To make matters worse, I had to self-quarantine for 10 days after I got back because of the omicron variant of COVID-19. All told..
A Parent’s Injury A month ago, my mom took a tumble during her early morning workout. She was already suffering from osteoporosis, and her kneecap was shattered. She needed emergency surgery. With mom in the hospital, my dad was my major concern. My mom was the one who looked after my dad, who has mobility problems. While my mom was hospitalized, everyday life became a problem for my dad. My parents have four chi..
Humane Eggs Egg dishes are among the staple foods we often see on our tables. But when we do eat eggs, it's worth thinking about the farming conditions of the hens that lay them. Most chickens are kept in narrow cages with no room to move about. All they can do is eat and excrete waste. Countless hens live their whole lives without ever getting some sun of stepping on the ground. This makes them susceptible..
Reading English Storybooks to Children If I had choose my happiest memory with my child, it would be visiting a bookstore to pick out a book and reading it together. I fondly remember reading English storybooks with my daugher. We had connversations about the characters, and acted out the stories as plays. My kids crack up over parts of the stories I never expected. And if I purposely make a mistake in parts that describe the picture..
Raising One’s Self-Esteem People jump through hoops just to gain recognition from others, because they don't know how precious they are. Many live their lives focused only on success. But living to be recognized is meaningless. Drinking seawater doesn't slake our thirst, but only makes it worse. In the same way, we feel emotionally empty the more we gain recognition. Respecting who I am and how I truly feel, no matter wh..