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Two Kids, Two Personalities

I have two sons. With a five-year age gap between them, they have completely different personalities. My dad sometimes jokingly asks how two kids born and raised by the same parents can be so different. Our eldest son has an introverted personality and is very sensitives. The slightest noise wakes him up at night. If something bothers him, no matter how minor, he gets worked up about it until it is resolved. Maybe that's why he's a little shorter than other kids his age. In contrast, our younger son is good-humored. He doesn't act shy no matter where he goes. He is so free-sprited that he can spend days on end at his grandmother's house without his mom or dad. He is also much taller than other kids in his age group, and is in the top 1 or 2%.


  • I thought she had an introverted personality, but I was wrong. / Someone with an introverted personality might feel uncomfortable.
  • Every part is important, no matter how minor. / We had to report out symptoms, no matter how minor.
  • It's important for kids to play with others in their age group. / I don't like the same music as others in my age group.

1: What are your sons' personalities like?

2: My two sons are polar opposites of each other.

1: Oh, really?

2: Yes. So they're often at each other's throats.

1: That's just something kids go through.

2: Sure. I'm just counting the days until they can properly understand each other.