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Going Back to Normal I have recently started posing a difficult question to myself. "Am I really taking charge of my own life?" I have been in the travel industry for a long time. Like many other businesses that took a direct hit from the coronavirus crisis, we were barely scraping by in these difficult times. When flight routes began to open up again as vaccination rates rose all over the world, I dared to dream th..
Living in Beijing In early 2020, my husband was assigned to an overseas office of his company in Beijing. I was hard at work at a job of my own at the time, so the news caught me off guard. But after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to take time off from work and accompany my husband to Beijing. My top priority was that I didn't want our family to be apart. It was also a big plus that our child would attend ..
The Importance of One’s Mindset I tend to overthink things. Usually, my positive thoughts are outweighed by various concerns. As a result, I often think negative thoughts. I always think of the worst-case scenario whenever I do anything. I prepare plan Bs. When I take on a new challenge, I always research the potential pitfalls. I also worry about my health a lot. Even light symptoms make me nervous about severe illnesses. But..
COVID-19 Self-Test Kits After the omicron variant of the coronavirus became the dominant strain, there was a spike in the number of confirmed cases in Korea. Self-tests for COVID-19 were frequently called for. These self-test kits, also called rapid antigen tests, are available for purchase at pharmacies. After the Lunar New Year holiday, I used a self-test kit at home for the first time. I thoroughly washed my hands b..
Study Cafés I had always been curious about study cafés, so I recently paid a visit to one. As soon as I walked in, there was a ticket kiosk selling passes. It was an unmanned device. I chose a seat and how long I would use it, and settled the bill in advance. I was surprised to see that the study café offered anything you could imagine that might be used for studying. This included book stands, office supp..
Self-Maintenance I am 165cm tall, and I've kept my weight at around 52kg. Taking into consideration that I was born in 1978, my level of self-maintenance is pretty good. But I haven't been this way all my life. In fact, I've passed the 70kg mark four times. I was more into eating than studying in my senior year of high school, and I put on a lot of weight. I later lost 20kg during college. Then I got married and..
Traveling Virtually from Home Before the COVID-19 crisis, I traveled overseas at least twice yearly. After traveling that way for many years, overseas travel came to an abrupt stop because of the coronavirus. Searching online for plane tickets and planning trips to new destinations were part of my daily routine, but I couldn't do that anymore. To satisfy my thirst for traveling, I started watching travel-ralated content onli..
Literacy Since 2009, Korean reading skills in our country have taken a sharp downturn. This happens to coincide with the point when smartphones became widespread. Nowadays, many people have a hard time reading texts longer than about three lines. As a result, most news articles are produced in a card format. As people scroll through text, they often scroll more quickly than they can read. Plus, they can ..