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Making Winter Kimchi

Here, in Korea, the birthplace of kimchi, most households participate in something called 'kimjang' heading into the winter. This refers to making large quantities of kimchi to prepare for the cold winter. It's an annual event, somewhat akin to preparing for the winter. Of course, the number of households that do kimjang is on the wane as more and more people opt for store-bought kimchi. But many households still do it.

Late last year, I helped out my mom with kimjang. It was rough going. My mom brines the cabbage herself, which is really labor-intensive. But the boiled pork bossam we had with the unfermented kimchi that night was to die for. It was so delicious that it washed away the fatigue.


akin - having some of the same qualities

brine - water with salt in it, especially when used to preseve food

wane - to become weaker in strength or influence


  • Consuming large quantities of alcohol is unhealthy. / The dish contains large quantities of butter.
  • Many people avoid labor-intensive jobs. / It's a very labor-intensive recipe.
  • The food is to die for, but it's very expensivee. / Every item in that shop is to die for.

1: Do you get store-bought kimchi, or make it by hand?

2: We make it ourselves in out family.

1: Really?

2: Yes. The whole family gets together before the winter for kimjang.

1: That must be really exhausting.

2: It does take all day, but the results are rewarding.