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National Holidays

Any desk jockey will welcome a day off on the calendar. Of course, sometimes we have to go to work even on a national holiday, but a red date on the calendar is still a mood lifter. That's why at the turn of the year, we always flip through the new calendar to see how many holidays there are. 

Thankfully, a substitute holiday policy was put into effect in 2021. It means that if holiday coincides with a weekend, we get another day off. I'm excited to have the Independence Movement Day holiday this March, as well as the Presidential Election Day holiday.

My parents are retired. Whenever they see me get hung up on holidays, they tell me that I should be grateful to be going to work. In the future, I may look back fondly on my current work routine. But as someone with a heavy workload right now, the truthh is that any day off is a welcome respite.


get hung up on - spend an unreasonably large amount of time thinking about it


  • I like to go hiking when I have a day off. / We get a day off after getting a vaccine shot.
  • Don't get hung up on little mistakes. / I sometimes get hung up on things I can't change.
  • The afternoon coffee break was a welcome respite. / The bench was a welcome respite in the hot weather.

1: It's a holiday today. What will you be doing?

2: I just got back from a trip with my family, so I'm going to take it easy.

1: Really?

2: Yes. I took the day off yesterday, so I had 4 days off.

1: Good for you.

2: Yes, it's good to rest on bridge days.