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Patriotism Our son is a fifth grader this year. Ever since he was about seven years old, he raised his hand in salute whenever he saw a passing soldier or even when he heard the sound of a fighter jet in the sky.Our family naturally started attending military-related events on a frequent basis. In 2021, we were in attendance at the Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition (ADEX) at Seoul Airfield..
My Son’s Marriage In September this year, our 32-year-old son will be tying the knot. For 32 years, except for about two years of military service, he has lived at home with his parents. But he is all grown up now, and about to set off on his own.Our son had a brief period in school when he went astray and neglected his studies. But he graduated from college and is now hard at work at a small construction company..
Our Family's Year-end Ritual Our family has a special yearly ritual. On New Year’s Eve, we all get together, write down our New Year’s resolutions, and put them into a small container.Then, we open it a year later like a time capsule. On the last day of the year, we go over how well we’ve stuck to our plans, encourage each other, and write down new resolutions for the following year.We started doing this when the kids were ..
Tax Audits For business owners, the term “tax audit” sends a chill down their spine. Tax audits are categorized into regular and random audits.The targets of the National Tax Service’s tax audits are determined as follows:Firstly, based on data obtained through the Property Consumption Income (PCI) system, which includes the taxpayer’s asset changes, income, and expenses. Secondly, tax audits may be conduc..
Tempting Desserts I enjoy desserts even more than the main course in a meal. A bowl of rice contains 300 calories, but most desserts are much higher in calories. If I had eaten hearty meals and had less desserts, I might have had a slimmer figure.But there are so many delicious desserts in the world. It’s not easy to resist the temptation of sweets like ice cream, chocolate, cake, cookies, and more.Yakgwa, a trad..
Electronic Books As an avid reader, collecting paper books has been a hobby of mine. Whenever I happened to come across books with unique paper materials, beautiful covers, or lovely illustrations, I felt the urge to collect them. But as I kept buying books left and right, I soon ran out of space on my bookshelf.So, I had no choice but to purchase an eBook reader device. Buying eBooks naturally solved my problem..
How to Boil an Egg I like boiled eggs, but I prefer them soft-boiled rather than hard-boiled. When I ask people how to boil eggs, they usually say to put enough water to cover the eggs in a pot and boil them for 10 to 15 minutes.However, there’s a much better way. First, I take the eggs out of the fridge and let them sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Then, I put enough water to immerse the eggs half..
2406 입트영 목차 1st week1 Sat. Weekly Review2nd week3 Mon. How to Boil an Egg / 달걀을 잘 삶는 방법4 Tue. Electronic Books / 전자책5 Wed. Tempting Desserts / 달콤한 유혹 디저트6 Thu. Tax Audits / 세무 조사7 Fri. Our Family’s Year-end Ritual / 우리 가족의 연말 행사8 Sat. Weekly Review3rd week10 Mon. My Son’s Marriage / 아들의 결혼11 Tue. Patriotism / 애국심12 Wed. Breastfeeding / 모유 수유13 Thu. Clumsiness / 몸치14 Fri. Learning an Instrument / 악기를 배운다는 것1..