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Postnatal Caregiver Services After giving birth to my third child, I didn’t check myself into a postnatal care center. If I had, I wouldn’t have been able to see my first and second children during my stay. So instead, I opted for postnatal caregiver services.The government hands out subsidies for postnatal care depending on each family’s situation. That meant we were able to receive services for a while at a reasonable cos..
Bobusang The term “Bobusang” refers to people in the old days who carried a bundle on their backs, going around the marketplace selling goods. Nowadays, it is used jokingly to describe people who carry around a lot of stuff in a large bag. That describes me to a TMy bag has always been heavy ever since my school days. I stuffed it with things I might need, just in case. As a result of this, chronic shoul..
Weekend Marriages My husband and I are newlyweds who tied the knot in February 2023. However, due to our long commutes, we only get together on weekends. Taking the 3-hour journey each time is challenging, but thinking about what to do together on the weekends has become a joyful part of our routine.We’ve made it a rule to do things together every sunday. We usually work out together, going hiking or playing spor..
Fireflies Fireflies spend about a year in the water as larvae, before transforming into pupae. After that, they live as adults for about two weeks. Despite the long wait for adulthood, their actual lifespan as adults is over in a flash.Recently, I went on a trip to experience fireflies with my child. It was a hands-on event where you could see over 30,000 fireflies. The time we spent gazing at the tiny li..
How My Son is Shaping His Life During the COVID pandemic, our son gave some serious thought to his future. That’s when he started to dream of becoming a stylist. So, for his senior year of high school, he started attending a fashion vocational school. He diligently attended school, never missing a day even though the commute took over three hours. As soon as he finished the program, he landed a job at a styling company.Even t..
Squash While I was studying English abroad in the States, I wanted to pick up a hobby to enjoy on weekday afternoons or weekends. While looking into the school’s facilities, I found that there was a squash court.At first, I simply thought that it would be more or less similar to tennis, only played indoors. But as I hit the rubber ball toward the wall, exchanging strokes with a partner, I was soon swea..
Sugar Addiction and Children’s Health Food has a powerful impact on our body and mind. Eating good food and cultivating a healthy diet is especially crucial for children.The term “sugar addiction” has recently gained a lot of attention. When we are tired or feeling down, eating sweets can bring a sense of recovery from fatigue or a bad mood. Bur people who have developed an addiction to sugar from overconsumption continue to eat swe..
My First Granddaughter Today marks the 10th day since my first granddaughter was born. My wife and I teared up when we heard a few months ago that our daughter-in-law had struggled with infertility. At the time, we sincerely congratulated her and tried to comfort her. I heard that our in-laws also cried their eyes out upon receiving the new of their long-awaited first grandchild.Both the baby and her mom are currently..