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Growing Sweet Potatoes My parents decided to leave city life behind and returned to the countryside as farmers. Our family was excited at first, and we planted various crops.Among them, the one that sticks out in my memory is sweet potatoes.I remember it clearly because the harvest was so labor-intensive. We harvested other crops as needed, whenever we wanted to eat them. But sweet potatoes required a full day of harv..
My 70-year-old Mom September 26th by the lunar calendar is my mom’s 70th birthday. This year, it falls on November 9th in the solar calendar. My 70-year-old mom starts her day by listening to EBS radio at 6 a.m. She has been doing this for over three years now.With the start of the COVID-19 pandemic limiting outdoor activities, she seemed to fall into a funk. I wondered what I could do to help. Then I remember her..
2407 입트영 목차 1st week1 Mon. My 70-year-old Mom / 70세 생신을 맞이하는 엄마2 Tue. Growing Sweet Potatoes / 고구마 농사3 Wed. Clay Shooting / 클레이 사격4 Thu. Summer Vacation / 여름 방학5 Fri. Healthy Sleep / 건강한 수면으로 가는 길6 Sat. Weekly Review2nd week8 Mon. Must-Haves / 인생 물건9 Tue. Pandas / 판다곰10 Wed. Cruciate Ligament Injury / 십자 인대 파열11 Thu. Teaching English to Children / 나는 유아 영어 강사입니다12 Fri. COVID-19 and the Hotel Industry / 코로나1..
Book Clubs I was born and raised in Seoul. But due to my husband’s job, we ended up living in Jeju, a place where we had no connections, for about 4 years. I really enjoyed living in Jeju at first, with its beautiful sky and sea. But I spent a lot of days alone without friends or family.Then, my child started school, and I met some like-minded moms. Five of us with similar dispositioning got together. At f..
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome “Carpal tunnel syndrome” is a condition where the median nerve, which runs into the palm of one’s hand, gets squeezed at the wrist (carpal tunnel) by tendons that control the fingers. Decreased elasticity of tendons due to aging or occupational factors such as repetitive use of the hands are the major underlying causes.Symptoms include numbness in the fingertips, a tingling sensation in the palm..
A Trip to Cebu I recently went on a trip with my high school buddies. We couldn’t travel for a while because of COVID-19 restrictions, but we finally decided to go this year.We had been saving up for several years, and we decided to use that money for this trip. After searching for information on various countries in Southeast Asia, we settled on Cebu in the Philippines, where we found a resort that we liked. ..
Speaking with a Foreigner on the Street A few days ago, I was out with my mom. While waiting for the bus at the bus stop, a woman behind me from overseas said, “Excuse me.” She had a tired expression, as if she hadn’t received an answer even after talking to several people earlier.She wanted to take a bus to the train station to catch a train, and she asked if it was the right bus to take. However, since the bus she mentioned takes a ..
Aerial Yoga As the years go by, I feel that I am getting out of shape. To improve my physical fitness, I’ve tried various exercises like working out at the gym and swimming. But it wasn’t easy to stick to one thing consistently. Then, three years ago, I happened to come across aerial yoga.Aerial yoga involves performing various yoga poses while suspended from a ceiling-mounted hammock. Since you have to mai..