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The Transformer Algorithm and English Studies ChatGPT is an AI chatbot based on a pre-trained generative natural language processing system. The technology used here is the Transformer algorithm developed by Google in 2017. This Transformer algorithm is remarkably similar to the conversational style we humans use. Even without free will, ChatGPT is capable of naturally engaging in conversations with humans. Seeing this, I found myself quest..
Increased Utility Fees It was recently decided that electricity and gas bills would each be increased by about 5%. Despite a steady rise in global energy prices, these increases were not appropriately reflected in utility fees. This led to increased operating losses for related companies, providing the backdrop for the higher fees. However, the rate hike has been postponed by a year for basic livelihood recipients and..
Photography Classes Lately, I have been taking an offline class on photography. Unlike other photography classes, this one doesn’t teach photography techniques. Instead, it makes me constantly think about what to look at, how to view it before taking a picture. Thanks to this approach, I haven’t been practicing the same old photos of breathtaking scenery or mouthwatering food that anyone can take. Instead, I am tra..
Preparing for Childbirth My due date is just a few days away. It’s my third delivery, but I still feel nervous each time. I toss and turn at night because I’m scared of going to the hospital, but I feel excited at the thought of meeting the baby. I have prepared various baby items while waiting for the baby’s arrival. I bought a second-hand baby crib at a low price through an online preowned goods platform. I also bough..
4D Theaters I recently watched a movie in a 4D theater for the first time. Although 4D theaters have been around for quite some time, I hadn't ever been to one. They seemed too expensive, and I thought that they would feel like being on an amusement park ride. But that day, I decided to give it a try. I liked that the seats were larger and set further apart than in regular theaters. It was a novel experienc..
Lifestyle Diseases Lifestyle diseases refer to chronic conditions caused by daily habits such as an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, smoking, excessive drinking, and stress. Frequently eating salty and high-calorie foods can lead to conditions like hypertension and high cholesterol. Excessive stress, smoking, and irregular lifestyle habits can also cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and cerebrovascular diseas..
April If someone were to ask me my favorite month of the year, I would say without hesitation that it’s April. First of all, I was born in April. I moved for the first time when I was in grade school, and I had to transfer to a new school. That happened in April. In college, I got my driver’s license in April, and I also started my military service in April. So, April has been a month filled with sign..
Women Campers I have gone camping with just the kids since they were young. My husband used to join us on our camping trips at first, but now he sits them out. So, I have come up with ways to go camping alone with the kids. First, I prefer campgrounds that are smaller in scale. This ensures the distance to facilities like sinks and restrooms is short. I choose places with trampolines or playgrounds and set up..