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Walking Barefoot I first got into walking barefoot thanks to a friend I met at a health lecture a few years ago. At first, I just did it whenever I had some free time. But these days, it has become a routine for me to walk for about two hours every day without fail while listening to EBS broadcasts. I highly recommended walking barefoot to an older friend who was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. After just..
Carbon Neutral Points One day, while organizing my bank statements, I came across a monthly deposit labeled “Practice Point.” I wondered what it could be, when it finally dawned on me! Last year, I was in charge of the environmental conservation efforts at our company. I introduced the “Carbon Neutral Points System” as something that employees could easily practice in daily life. I signed up for it myself to lead by ..
Open Classes at Grade Schools I recently attended an open class for my 1st-grade son’s after-school program. It was a robotics science class, a subject that has always captured his interest, so I was really looking forward to it myself. The class dealt with the topic of delivery robots, something that is in widespread use these days. After hearing about the underlying principles, the students began building their own robots,..
Fire Extinguishers A fire extinguisher is a firefighting device used to suppress fires in their early stages. There are various types of fires, but if you look closely at fire extinguishers, they are usually labeled for type A, B, and C fires. They are also color-coded. Class A fires are ordinary fires, indicated in white. Class B are oil fires, marked by yellow. Class C fires are electrical fires, and they are la..
Waking Up Early Before I had a child, I slept a lot. It wasn’t a big deal, since I only had to take care of myself. I could sleep to my heart’s content and still have plenty of time to do what I wanted to do. But after giving birth, especially during the early infant stage when our baby needed a lot of attention from her mother, I couldn’t have any time to myself. I had to sleep less to get some alone time. So,..
Views on Life Living into my forties, I’ve gained a different perspective that I hadn’t seen before. In my twenties, I only cared about my own life. I did not concern myself with the lives or affairs of others. In my thirties, I had my hands full juggling marriage, parenting, and a career all at once. Now, in my forties, I have begun to see glimpses of other people’s lives. If I shift my gaze just a little, I..
Daily Topics on “입트영” After going through various English content over the course of many years, I finally settled on “입트영.” I participate in an English study group that starts every day at 5:30 AM. We read the script for the day and take time to share our responses. I currently live in Shanghai, China, so it’s 4:30 AM local time when we begin. One day, I found myself thinking about that day’s “입트영” topic all day lon..
Neologisms Many newly coined words have emerged recently that are not immediately understandable. They often require deciphering their meaning like solving a quiz. Sometimes, there’s a sense of satisfaction when you correctly guess the meaning of a particular neologism. Generally, neologisms are often created by mixing together English and Korean, or by combining the initial letters of Korean words to form..