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How to Boil an Egg I like boiled eggs, but I prefer them soft-boiled rather than hard-boiled. When I ask people how to boil eggs, they usually say to put enough water to cover the eggs in a pot and boil them for 10 to 15 minutes.However, there’s a much better way. First, I take the eggs out of the fridge and let them sit at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Then, I put enough water to immerse the eggs half..
2406 입트영 목차 1st week1 Sat. Weekly Review2nd week3 Mon. How to Boil an Egg / 달걀을 잘 삶는 방법4 Tue. Electronic Books / 전자책5 Wed. Tempting Desserts / 달콤한 유혹 디저트6 Thu. Tax Audits / 세무 조사7 Fri. Our Family’s Year-end Ritual / 우리 가족의 연말 행사8 Sat. Weekly Review3rd week10 Mon. My Son’s Marriage / 아들의 결혼11 Tue. Patriotism / 애국심12 Wed. Breastfeeding / 모유 수유13 Thu. Clumsiness / 몸치14 Fri. Learning an Instrument / 악기를 배운다는 것1..
Longing for Mexico I first grew fond of Mexico during a long-term business trip from 2015 to 2016. I stayed in Monterrey, Mexico for an extended period.The impression I got from the locals was that the Mexican people are genuinely friendly and passionate. I attended several concerts, and the people were so full of energy that some concerts started late at night and only ended in the early morning hours.The local c..
Uterine Fibroid Surgery Earlier this month, I underwent surgery for uterine fibroids. I first discovered uterine fibroids during a national health examination in my late twenties. After experiencing an early miscarriage with my first pregnancy last year, I was advised to undergo uterine fibroid removal surgery. I took two weeks off from work. The surgery went without a hitch, and I’ll be getting back to the office tomo..
Business Trip to India In May 2023, I went on a business trip to India. India has three main seasons: a dry season (November to March), a hot season (April to June), and the monsoon season (June to October). We visited India during the hot season, and it was indeed sweltering hot.Once the work began, I communicated with the local employees and explained materials solely in English. Even though I had diligently studied..
5 Years at the Local Library I am an ordinary, 50-year-old father of three sons. Five years ago, while searching for ways to set an example for my children, I got to know “입트영.”Searching for a place to both prepare in advance and go over the content after each show, I started going to the local library. It was hard and uncomfortable just to stay seated at first, but as I continued, studying became a part of my daily routine..
Walking King There is heightened interest in exercises that help maintain good health these days. A lot of my coworkers have started walking to and from work. It goes without saying that walking is very beneficial. By extending your stride by 10 cm and walking with good posture, you can treat conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol, and disc problems. It’s also effective in improving balance and cogni..
My First Native Speaker Teacher These days, it’s common to see native-speaking English teachers in both the public and private education sectors in Korea.I found myself thinking about my first native-speaking English teacher. It was back in 1997 during my middle school years. As part of a pilot of the Department of Education, native-speaking English teachers were temporarily assigned to public middle school. The teacher who ca..