Exchanging currency is one of the items on anyone’s to-do list when they plan a trip abroad. In the past, you had to find a bank that handled foreign currency and visit in person.
But with recent advances in fintech technology, you can now issue a card on your mobile device and exchange currency easily. You can also use the card to constantly exchange and top up foreign currency on the go, using it like a debit card.
Plus, there are no exchange fees for most major foreign currencies. Additional features are also being added, such as allowing users to transfer money or split a bill among fellow users.
The card can also be used as a transportation card in major cities around the world for buses, subways, and taxis. And the remaining balance can be easily exchanged to another foreign currency or back to Korean won.
top up - to add more of something, especially money, to an existing amount to create the total you need
split the bill - the process of dividing the payment of a bill or purchase among several people
cinch - something that is very easy and is therefore certain to be a success
환전은 해외 여행을 계획할 때 누구나 해야 할 항목 중 하나다. 과거에는 외화를 취급하는 은행을 찾아 직접 방문해야 했다.
하지만 최근 핀테크 기술의 발전으로 이제 모바일 기기에서 카드를 발급받아 간편하게 환전할 수 있다. 또한 체크카드처럼 사용하여 여행 중에도 계속 외화를 환전하고 충전할 수 있다.
또한 대부분의 주요 외화에 대해 환전 수수료가 없다. 같은 카드를 이용하는 사람들끼리 송금 또는 추렴 등이 가능하도록 여러 기능들이 추가되고 있다.
그리고 이 카드는 전 세계 주요 도시에서 버스, 지하철, 택시를 이용 시 교통카드로도 사용할 수 있다. 남은 잔액은 다른 외화로 환전하거나 다시 원화로 바꾸는 것도 간단하게 처리할 수 있다.
- I have a really long to-do list today. / I finished everything on my to-do list before lunchtime.
- I don’t like eating on the go. / You can do most of that on the go.
- I don’t like to split the bill on a first date. / People can split a bill using the messenger app.
A: Exchanging currency these days is a cinch thanks to fintech apps.
B: That’s right. I used one recently, and it was really convenient.
A: You can use the exchanged amount in the local area just like a debit card.
B: That’s right.
A: In many cases, there are no handling fees for currency exchange, either.
B: Yes, and you can even get favorable exchange rates.