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Cleaning My Daughter’s Closet

사진: Unsplash 의 Sarah Brown

The sweltering heat of summer felt like it would never end, but now fall has almost passed, and the cold wind is starting to blow. While organizing my daughter’s closet, I pulled out her fall and winter clothes. I realized that most of the clothes she wore last year no longer fit her.

The clothes we picked last year in a larger size now fit her perfectly. These will probably only last through the year.

As I sort out the smaller clothes, I’ve started picking out new ones to fill her empty closet. It makes me happy to see how she’s grown up happy and healthy, enough to need new clothes every year.

I’m planning to fill her closet with pink clothes, her favorite color. And I’ll also treat myself to a few pretty outfits, while I’m at it!


sweltering - extremely and uncomfortably hot

sort out - to separate one type of things from a group of things

treat oneself to - to do something good and pleasurable for oneself, but not something necessary

while sb is at it - at the same time as or in addition to doing something else

end up - to finally be in a particular place or situation

growth spurt - short periods of time when your child experiences quick physical growth in height and weight


무더운 여름이 끝나지 않을 것 같았는데, 어느새 가을도 거의 다 지나고 찬바람이 불기 시작했다. 딸의 옷장을 정리하며 가을, 겨울 옷을 꺼냈다. 그런데 작년에 입었던 옷 대부분이 맞지 않는다는 것을 알았다. 

작년에 넉넉한 사이즈로 골랐던 옷들은 이제 아이에게 딱 맞는다. 이 옷들은 아마 올해까지만 입을 수 있을 것 같다 

작아진 아이의 옷들을 정리하면서 빈 옷장을 채울 새 옷을 고르고 있다. 매년 새 옷이 필요할 정도로 아이가 건강하게 잘 자라고 있는 것 같아서 기분이 좋다. 나는 딸아이가 좋아하는 분홍색 옷으로 옷장을 채울 생각이다. 그리고 하는 김에 나 자신에게도 예쁜 옷을 몇 벌 선물해야겠다!

  • The meeting felt like it would never end. / Winter often feels like it will never end.
  • I lost weight, so it fits me perfectly now. / The sweater fits me perfectly.
  • Get some milk while you are at it. / While I am at it, I should also write the report.

A: My kids grow up fast, so I end up having to buy new clothes every year.

B: Same here. They really do grow quickly, don’t they?

A: Yes, there are even clothes they can’t wear after just one season.

B: I think that happens when they go through a growth spurt.

A: Still, it’s a nice feeling knowing they’re growing up happy and healthy.

B: Of course!