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Financial Literacy

I recently started studying up on the economy. I actually double-majored in business administration, and I once tried to earn a certificate related to finances. I studied economics at the time out of necessity, and because I had a sense of purpose. But studying feels a lot more fun now that it's not to sit for an exam.

Our study group members select an economics book, and we show off how much we've studied each day on social media. I felt a huge sense of accomplishment when we finished our first book, which clocked in at over 600 pages.

I'm getting to know unfamiliar concepts through repeated readings. I sometimes surprise myself by searching for articles or YouTube videos about economics concepts that I had no interest in before. When my kids get a little older, I plan to subscribe to a children's financial newspaper and read it with them.


sit for an exam - to take an exam to qualify for a license

show off - to do something to attract attention to yourself

have to do with sth - to be about something

take on sth - an opinionn about something


  • My mom started studying to earn a certificate. / You don't need to earn a certificate to be an expert.
  • The incident gave me a sense of purpose./ Without a sense of purpose, I became depressed.
  • I have no interest in cryptocurrency or the stock market. / My husband has no interest in entertainment news.

1: What a all these posts about economics on your instagram these days.

2: Oh, those posts have to do with an economics study group I'm active in these days.

1: Really?

2: We select a book and study it every day. Then we post our takes on the content.

1: Wow! That sounds great.

2: Heading the books together makes it more fun. I'm really getting a lot out of it.