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My Life’s Motto

I watched the movie 'Dead Poets' Society' as a teenager. Ever since then, 'Carpe diem(Seize the day)' has been my life's motto. At first, I just thought it sounded cool. But as I got older, I came to understand the true meaning of the line.

Watching the movie 'The butterfly Effect' in my 20s further crystallized my motto. Characters in this type of time travel movie usually go back in time to fix things that trouble them in the present. But changes in the past always lead to new problems in the new reality. Despite repeated attempts, there is never a perfect solution. That's why I try to treasure the present and give my best to enjoy each day. I believe this will make me happy, even if my past, present and future aren't perfect. 


crystallize - If crystallize an opinion or idea, it becomes fixed and definite in someone's mind

treasure - to take great care of something because you love it or consider it very valuable

be/live in the moment - to give your full attention to the situation you are in, and not think about the past or the future

lingering - lasting a long time


  • People have forgotten the true meaning of the holiday. / I didn't understand the true meaning of what he had told me.
  • Everyone wants to go back in time sometimes. / What would you do if you could go back in time?
  • I gave my best, so I had no regrets. / Everyone needs to give their best for this project.

1: Do you have any words you live by?

2: For me, it's enjoy the present.

1: Oh, that's similar to my motto.

2: I think it's important to be in the moment everyday.

1: I'm completely on board with that.

2: That way, I won't have any lingering regrets.