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Spacing out I like to space out. Normally when people say they space out, it means they're not thinking about anything at all. But that's not thecase for me. When I space out, I daydream about this and that. I think about different things each time, but BTS comes to mind a lot these days. I've imagined what it would be like to grow up and become a veterinarian. I've thought about the main stotyline of a nov..
Audio Language School The Audio Language School is service that gives users unlimited access to about 70 different programs for a monthly fee of just 4,900won. I mostly listen to "입트영" and "귀트영". On "입트영", listeners post their experiences, which are then translated into English for speaking practice. I enjoy studying English each day through fun, real-world topics. "귀트영" shifts the focus to listening and reading skil..
English Kindergartens Kids in Korean can begin attending kindergartens at 5 years old. Many parents these days are sending their kids off to English kindergartens. These places are called kindergartens out of convenience, but in reality, they are actually a type of private educational institute for English. Kids can level up their English skills, since classes are held in English all day with teachers who are native ..
Pigeons Pigeons are common birds that can be found almost anywhere. They have an average lifespan of 10 to 20 years. Pigeons became a symbol of peace when the UN adopted a dove design after World War 2. Since the 20th century, pigeons have enjoyed a popular image, as fixture in magic shows and various literary works. However, pigeons have recently become a major headache. Because of the explosive growth..
My Son’s Fiancée My son lives on his own and goes to work far from his childhood home. I didn't even know that he was seeing someone. One day, he said that he wanted to introduce us to his girlfriend, whom he wanted to tie the knot with. The news came out of the blue for us. We felt hurt that he had kept his private life under wraps like that. We were also a bit nervous. But soon, our emotions turned to curiosit..
Writing Down One’s Thoughts I wanted to teach my kid that it's possible express his thoughts and emotions in writing. That's why I started a 'writing your thoughts for 15 minutes' activity with hime. We've maintained the routine for several years, starting in the early years of grade school. First, my son comes up with a topic to write about. Then, we set a timer for 15 minutes. During that time, he writes about the topic ..
Enjoying Wine I enjoy wine from time to time. There is some basic knowledge about wine that often comes in handy. Don't raise your glass when someone pours wine for you. If you feel self-concious to just look on, you can place your hand on the base of the glass. When pouring wine, filling the glass a third of the way is about right. When you clink glasses to drink a toast, you should tilt the glass about15 de..
Cooking for the Family on Weekends I am ordinary 40-something dad of two girls, an 8th grader and a 6th grader. Various types of cooking shows can be seen on TV. We were watching one of those shows about three years ago, when my younger daughter said, "I wish you would cook for us like those chefs." Right on the spot, I promised I would do just that. But to be honest, I was worried. I had never cooked before and I didn't know the..