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Serious Accidents Punishment Act Among OECD member nations, Korea has a high death rate from industrial accidents. Fatal industrial accidents keep occurring, and they've become a major social issue. The Serious Accidents Punishment Act is a law that places the burden of responsibility on the management. It is aimed at securing the safety and welfare of everyone in a workplace environment. The law specifies that people can be pu..
Fathers’ Childcare As a dad, I take care of my 8-month-old girl. At first, I didn't know the first thing about childcare. But when my wife fell ill due to the birth, it fell to me to look after our baby. I realized that the more you know, the more you can see. Feeding and putting down a baby are the basics of childcare. It's also important to aid a childcare's development, and form a bond with her. I keep tabs on ..
Medication Side Effects People usually take medication for treatment. Sometimes, we need to take medicine to temporarily treat a symptom or as a preventative measure. But taking medication out of habit or abusing medication can lead to side effects. For example, you shouldn't just take painkillers willy-nilly whenever you experience pain. You should carefully select and take medication depending on the type of pain. Ot..
Moving The contract ran out for the previous house we lived in, so we had to make moving preparations. We had found a house to move to, so that part was no biggie. But preparing for the move itself posed a lot of problems. We had to find someone to move into our previous house, so we had visits from house hunters two or three times a week. Then, we finally set a moving date. We got quotes for cleaning ..
Learning Three Languages While working my day job, I study 3 different languages. I brush up on English in the morning, Chinese at lunchtime, and Spanish at night, an hour each. I throw myself into studying foreign languages because learning them gives me a new perspective on the world. As a content marketer, I enjoy reading. I get a lot of joy out of viewing and understanding texts and videos about my fields of interes..
My Personal Style During college, I mostly dressed casually. I didn't really have an interest in fashion, or in shopping for clothes. Of course, my fellow students were very interested in fashion. Even so, I continued to stick with my ordinary clothes. But once I started going to work, I had to pay attention to the way I dressed. I started taking an interest in shopping. I began to look for the latest styles, and..
Dyeing Hair In my 20s, I thought dyeing my hair was a fashion statement. I dyed it many different colors. But after turning 40, I noticed my hair going gray. Part of the reason is that my body isn't producing melanin the way it used to because I'm older. But I also think I'm getting gray hair because I'm working so hard to meet the demands of society. When I think of my gray hair as a reflection of my life,..
Clenching One's Teeth Many people have a habit of clenching their teeth, without even realizing it. 20% of the population is said to have this habit, so it seems to be a widespread issue. Normally, the top and bottom molars should maintain a distance of 2~3mm. But when people get stressed out or when they concentrate on something, they unwittingly clench their jaw. It's an involuntary reflex, but the constant heavy p..