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Women Campers I have gone camping with just the kids since they were young. My husband used to join us on our camping trips at first, but now he sits them out. So, I have come up with ways to go camping alone with the kids. First, I prefer campgrounds that are smaller in scale. This ensures the distance to facilities like sinks and restrooms is short. I choose places with trampolines or playgrounds and set up..
2404 입트영 목차 1st week 1 Mon. Women Campers / 미즈 캠퍼 2 Tue. April / 4월 이야기 3 Wed. Lifestyle Diseases / 생활 습관병 4 Thu. 4D Theaters / 4D 상영관 경험 5 Fri. Preparing for Childbirth / 출산 준비 6 Sat. Weekly Review 2nd week 8 Mon. Photography Classes / 사진 수업 9 Tue. Increased Utility Fees / 공공요금 인상 10 Wed. The Transformer Algorithm and English Studies / 트랜스포머 알고리즘과 영어 학습의 유사성 11 Thu. Neologisms / 신조어 현상 12 Fri. Daily Topics..
Dreams Come True I didn’t study very hard during my school years, so I didn’t even know the basics of English until I turned 25. After completing my military service and entering the workforce, I belatedly started studying English. I purchased beginner-level grammar books and studied whenever I had time, gradually advancing to higher levels. Before I knew it, I turned 30. I gained some confidence in my English a..
Operating a YouTube Study Channel I received my Ph.D. after majoring in the humanities and currently reach students at a university. One day, I wanted to start a meaningful YouTube channel. So, in March of this year, I began operating a study-related channel where I conduct a live stream. I send out a broadcast of myself, studying. The biggest advantage is that there’s no need to record and edit videos for upload, since it’s a l..
Positive Changes in Life One day, as part of a school event, there was a planned activity where parents would convey their feelings to their children in the voice of one of the moms. Everyone was hesitant to recite the message. That's when another parent asked me to do it. I never would have accepted in the past, due to my introverted nature. But having practiced recitation for over a year and a half through "입트영", I th..
Software Defined Vehicles A software Defined Vehicles(SDV) refers to a car defined by software. In other words, it’s a vehicle in which the software controls and governs the hardware. While traditional cars were mainly about hardware, based on mechanical engineering, SDVs represent the opposite concept. Nowadays, software-based vehicles are viewed more as electronic devices, much like smartphones. For instance, they offe..
The Pain of Constipation My second child, who is now 5 years old, had been suffering from constipation since around the time he turned one. For a mom, there is no greater happiness than seeing your child eat well, sleep well, and have regular bowel movements. So, when my child only picked at his food because he couldn’t go potty, it troubled me as a mom. It also made him feel gassy and bloated. The constipation led to h..
Waiting for a Baby Hearing the story of “Waiting for a Baby” among the topics in the April issue of the “입트영” study material, I could relate to the storyteller’s feelings. I, too, went through challenging times due to infertility. When my husband and I couldn’t conceive after four years of marriage, we went to get checked up. We were told at the clinic that chances were slim to none that we could conceive naturall..