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Drone Pilot Certification Drones are an eco-friendly mode of transportation that offers convenient benefits. But on the other hand, they are also used as weapons of war, illustrating their dual nature. I first encountered drones while searching for a hobby to enjoy outdoors during the COVIS-19 pandemic.At first, I was afraid that my lack of skill in controlling drones might cause damage. To overcome my fear, I studied th..
Applauding Myself I used to study “입트영” using only my phone and e-books for quite some time. As a result, I often skipped a day, and it felt like I wasn’t getting the most out of my studies. So, at the start of 2023, I decided to sign up for a one-year subscription to the printed textbook. I resolved to study every day, Monday through Friday, without missing a single day.The regular broadcast of “입트영” is only 20 ..
241014 달리기 토요일 하프 달리기 후 회복을 위해 달렸다. 평소 달리던 시간/페이스였음에도 힘들고 심박이 올라서  왜 그럴까 싶어 이유를 생각해 보니, 1. 토요일 무보급 달리기 후 충분히 쉬지 않았다. (이게 가장 큰 이유 같음)2. 달리기 전 아침식사를 했다. 3. 테스트를 위해 가슴 심박계를 착용했다. 때문에 가슴 부착부위에 눌리는 듯한 압박이 느껴졌다. 4. 비가 올 것 같아 마일리지 누적으로 일상화로 전환한 울트라 부스트를 신고 나갔다.   추천0명추천인 목록보기 스크랩스크랩 공유SNS 공유 신고신고 차단차단
Retracing a Trip After 15 Years What remains unchanged as time passes? Memories fade, and youth diminishes, but the memories of shared moments seem to stay alive in their places.15 years after my honeymoon in Germany, I returned there with my children. The historic buildings still stood tall, providing new memories to visitors. The children ran around, filled with curiosity, asking us if we remembered this and that.Germany is ..
241012 달리기 작년 말부터 시작한 달리기인데 오늘에서야 처음으로 일기를 작성함.오늘 목표는 90분 달리기였는데, 완료 후 체력이 고갈될 때까지 뛰어보자는 생각에 더 뛰어서 하프 완료.오늘이 다섯 번째 하프완주인데, 확실히 날이 선선해 지니 심박도 크게 오르지 않았음. 1. 무보급 하프 완주는 힘들다. (일정에 없던 달리기라 물/포도당 등 보급품 없이 나갔음)2. 신발 교체 주기가 다가왔음 (현재 신발 마일리지 887km)
Wildlife Traffic Accident I’m a listener who recently moved to Gangwon-do province because of my job. To celebrate moving to Gangwon-do, I decided to enjoy the winter sport of snowboarding by getting a season pass for the first time. So, at 5 p.m. on New Year’s Day, my girlfriend and I set out in my car to drive to the ski resort.But suddenly, out of nowhere, a water deer appeared on the road. I instinctively slammed the..
Teaching Kids Economics A variety show that I enjoy watching once featured the economics education being taught by a homeroom teacher at an elementary school in Busan.The teacher had the children come up with a country and engage in work activities. The kids saved money, spent it, and paid tax. They even invested in real estate and traded stocks, just like in real life. The program showed how the teacher used hands-on ..
Overcoming Smartphone Addiction My daughter is 11 years old and loves browsing YouTube. But we made an agreement that she would watch for only 30 minutes a day, and she sets an alarm to manage her screen time.One day, my daughter checked the apps and screen time on my phone. I had spent a whopping 5 hours and 30 minutes on my phone! She grumbled about it, asking why I use my phone so much more than she does. I was caught off g..