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Waking Up Early

사진: Unsplash 의 Alisa Anton


Before I had a child, I slept a lot. It wasn’t a big deal, since I only had to take care of myself. I could sleep to my heart’s content and still have plenty of time to do what I wanted to do.

But after giving birth, especially during the early infant stage when our baby needed a lot of attention from her mother, I couldn’t have any time to myself. I had to sleep less to get some alone time.

So, when my child turned 8, I started waking up early to spend some time alone. I’ve been doing it for five years now. During that time, I study “입트영” and read books in English. I chose to study English because I wanted my child to feel proud of me when she turns 20.

Seeing me wake up so early despite my love of sleeping in, my husband expressed his admiration, saying “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”


to one's heart's content - do something enjoyable for as long as you want to do it

sleep in - to sleep until later in the morning than you usually do


아이를 낳기 전에 나는 잠이 많은 사람이었다. 내 몸 하나만 건사하면 되니, 잠이 많은 건 큰 문제가 아니었다. 원하는 만큼 충분히 자도 내가 하고 싶은 것을 할 시간이 얼마든지 있었기 때문이다. 

하지만 아이를 낳고, 특히 엄마 손이 많이 필요한 아이의 영유아 시기에는 나만의 시간을 전혀 가질 수 없었다. 혼자만의 시간을 갖기 위해서는 잠을 줄여야 했다. 

그래서 나는 아이가 8살이 되던 해, 나만의 시간을 보내기 위해 새벽 기상을 시작했고, 지금 5년째 이어 오고 있다. 그 시간에 나는 '입트영'을 공부하고 영어 원서 읽기를 하고 있다. 영어공부를 택한 이유는 아이가 20살이 되었을 때, 아이에게 자랑스러운 엄마의 모습을 보여 주고 싶었기 때문이다. 

늦잠 자는 것을 좋아하던 내가 새벽 기상을 하는 것을 보고, 남편은 '간절하면 이뤄진다'라고 말하며 존경스럽다고 했다.


  • I still have plenty of time to  study for the exam. / I had plenty of time to shower and eat some breakfast.
  • My husband needs a lot of attention. / All parents know that a baby needs a lot of attention.
  • I would like to spend some time alone, but I’m too busy. / I just want to spend some time alone tonight.

A: Raising two kids, it’s really hard to get any me time.

B: I agree. That’s why I started waking up early in the morning.

A: Oh, really?

B: Yes, I wake up around 5 AM and have my own routine for about 2 hours every day.

A: Do you get enough sleep that way?

B: I go to bed early with the kids at their bedtime.