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Open Classes at Grade Schools

사진: Unsplash 의 CDC


I recently attended an open class for my 1st-grade son’s after-school program. It was a robotics science class, a subject that has always captured his interest, so I was really looking forward to it myself.

The class dealt with the topic of delivery robots, something that is in widespread use these days. After hearing about the underlying principles, the students began building their own robots, each at their own pace. I was a bit surprised to see them so laser-focused despite their young age. I was proud of the way they completed their task, seeking help from the teacher when they needed to.

During the class, one student seemed to get nervous and accidentally dropped dozens of small parts on the floor. The children nearby stopped what they were doing to help their friend pick up the pieces. Seeing the children’s willingness to lend a hand was heartwarming.


underlying - used to describe something on which something else is based

laser-focused - very intensely focused

up-and-coming - likely to achieve success soon or in the near future


나는 얼마 전 초등학교 1학년 아들의 방과 후 프로그램을 참관했다. 평소에 아이가 늘 흥미를 느끼던 로봇 과학이라는 과목이라서 나도 왠지 모르게 기대됐다.

수업 내용은 요즘 널리 이용되고 있는 배달 로봇이 주제였다. 원리에 대해 설명 듣고 학생들은 각자 진도에 맞게 로봇을 만들기 시작했다. 어린 나이임에도 학생들이 매우 집중하는 모습이 조금 놀라웠다. 모르는 부분은 선생님의 도움을 받으며 완성해 나가는 아이들의 모습이 대견스러웠다.

수업 중에 한 학생이 긴장을 했는지 실수로 작은 부품 수십 개를 바닥에 떨어뜨렸다. 주변 친구들이 하던 것을 잠시 멈추고 부품들을 주워 주며 그 친구를 도와주었다. 아이들이 친구를 도와주려고 하는 마음이 너무 예뻐 보였다.


  • My son is really looking forward to the party. / Fans are really looking forward to the sequel.
  • Don’t worry about everyone else, and just work at your own pace. / I avoid study groups because I want to study at my own pace.
  • We often lose our willingness to lend a hand when we are busy. / We admire our leader because of his willingness to lend a hand.

A: I attended an open class at my child’s school.

B: Oh, really?

A: Yes, it was my first time participating, and I had a great time.

B: What was the class about?

A: It was a class where the kids learned about the concept of coding.

B: That’s an up-and-coming subject for after-school activities these days.