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Daily Topics on “입트영”

사진: Unsplash 의 Olena Bohovyk


After going through various English content over the course of many years, I finally settled on “입트영.” I participate in an English study group that starts every day at 5:30 AM. We read the script for the day and take time to share our responses. I currently live in Shanghai, China, so it’s 4:30 AM local time when we begin.

One day, I found myself thinking about that day’s “입트영” topic all day long. I ask everyone I meet about their thoughts on the subject and listen to their reasons.

I especially enjoy topics that encourage creative thinking. I like topics that lead to more progressive directions or allow for reflections of individual life experiences. That’s why “입트영” isn't just a means for learning English. It also provides an opportunity to dive deep into various topics.


start again in earnest - renewed effort and focus, often after a period of uncertainty, distraction, or procrastination


몇 년간 여러 영어 콘텐츠를 헤매고 나서 나는 드디어 '입트영'에 정착했다. 매일 새벽 5시 30분에 시작하는 영어 스터디 그룹에 참여하여, 그날 스크립트를 읽고 각자의 대답을 나누는 시간을 갖는다. 나는 현재 중국 상하이에 거주하고 있어서, 여기 현지 시간으로는 새벽 4시 30분에 시작한다. 
그러던 어느 날, 그날의 '입트영' 화두를 하루 종일 떠올리고 있는 나 자신을 발견했다. 만나는 사람마다 그 주제와 관련한 그들의 생각을 묻고 그 이유도 들어본다.

특히 내가 좋아하는 주제들은 창의적인 사고를 유발하는 것들이다. 보다 발전적인 방향을 도출하는 주제들이나 각자의 인생 경험을 투영할 수 있는 주제들이 좋다. 그래서 '입트영'은 단지 영어 학습으로만 그치는 것이 아니라, 여러 주제를 깊이 되새겨 보는 기회를 제공하기도 한다.


  • I worked on the report all day long. / I cried all day long after we broke up.
  • Good lessons encourage creative thinking. / She asks a lot of questions that encourage creative thinking.
  • I don’t know enough yet to dive deep into that topic. / It’s important to dive deep into your feelings from time to time.

A: How long have you been studying “입트영”?

B: I first got into it 15 years ago, back in my college days.

A: Wow, have you been studying it constantly since then?

B: No, I took a break for a while, but I started again in earnest three years ago.

A: I see.

B: I really like the daily topics on “입트영.” They give me a lot to think about.