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Post-retirement Life

사진: Unsplash 의 Thought Catalog

Ever since I called it a career, I have been spending every morning studying English and Japanese. My language teachers are the various programs on EBS.

After studying, I try to write about ten sentences using the expressions I learned that day. I share these compositions in our family’s chatroom with my husband and children. My husband also uses what he has learned to write in English and shares the results in the family chat. We discuss each other’s compositions and sometimes teach each other new expressions we have picked up.

My English skills are not improving as quickly as I’d like, but I get a kick out of studying itself. Especially with new topics being dealt with every day on “입트영.” I can start each day with a sense of anticipation. For me, studying foreign languages is a joyful reason to get up in the morning.


get a kick out of - enjoy to take pleasure
anticipation - a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future


은퇴 후 나는 매일 아침 영어와 일본어 공부하며 시간을 보내고 있다. 내 외국어 선생님은 EBS의 다양한 프로그램이다. 
공부가 끝나면 그날 배운 표현을 활용해 10 문장 정도 작문한다. 이렇게 쓴 문장은 가족 채팅방에 올려 남편과 아이들에게 공유한다. 남편도 자신이 배운 것을 활용해 영어로 작문한 결과를 가족 채팅방에 공유한다. 서로의 작문에 대해 토론하고 때로는 새로 배운 표현을 서로 가르쳐주기도 한다. 
내 영어 실력은 내가 원하는 만큼 쑥쑥 늘지는 않지만 공부하는 것 자체가 재밌다. 특히 '입트영'에서 매일 새로운 주제를 다루기 때문에 매일매일 기대감으로 하루를 시작할 수 있다. 내게 외국어 공부는 아침에 일어날 수 있는 즐거운 이유이다.


  • My dad decided to call it a career last year. / I want to accomplish more before I call it a career.
  • I traveled overseas to use what I had learned. / There were many opportunities to use what I had learned.
  • I always get a kick out of that scene. / My dad got a kick out of playing baseball with me.

A: I read somewhere that you should “create a reason to get up in the morning” for a happy post-retirement life.

B: Oh, I can relate to that.

A: I start each day by stunting English.

B: That’s your morning routine.

A: Yes, it gives me a clear reason to wake up, and I practice what I learn throughout the day.

B: Each day must be very rewarding for you.