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Learning an Instrument

사진: Unsplash 의 Lorena Kelly

I’m a working professional learning piano and violin as a hobby. I studied piano for about 5 years in grade school. If I add up all the periods here and there, I must have studied piano for at least 10 years. As for the violin, I’ve been taking lessons for about 3 years. I take piano and violin lessons from a married couple every other week. I learn violin from the wife and piano from the husband.

It’s not easy to practice an instrument every day at home while keeping a day job. Since I live in an apartment, I can’t practice until late at night. To minimize noise, I installed soundproofing mats under the piano and use a mute on the violin. Still, I’m always nervous that there might be noise complaints.

But practicing instruments helps me decompress after work. It seems to clear my mind, which I really appreciate. Also, there’s a sense of satisfaction knowing that I didn’t waste my time.


나는 취미로 피아노와 바이올린을 배우는 직장인이다. 초등학교 때 5년 정도 피아노를 배웠고, 중간에 간헐적으로 배운 기간을 다 합하면 최소 10년은 된 것 같다. 바이올린은 3년 정도 레슨을 받고 있다. 2주에 한 번씩 부부 선생님께 피아노와 바이올린 수업을 듣는다. 여자 선생님께 바이올린, 남자 선생님께 피아노를 배우고 있다. 

직장을 다니면서 집에서 매일 악기 연습을 한다는 건 쉽지 않다. 아파트에 살다 보니 밤늦게까지 연습하지 못한다. 소음을 최소화하기 위해 피아노 밑에 방음 매트를 깔고 바이올린에는 약음기를 사용한다. 그래도 소음 민원이 들어올까 봐 항상 조마조마하다. 

하지만 악기 연습은 퇴근 후 스트레스를 푸는 데 도움 되고, 감정이 정화되는 것 같아서 너무 좋다. 또한 시간을 허투루 사용하지 않았다는 만족감도 있다.


  • He decided to become a YouTuber instead of keeping a day job. / It’s not easy for a mom to keep a day job.
  • We talked until late at night. / I had to work until late at night.
  • I like to listen to music to decompress after work. / To decompress after work, I try to exercise.

A: Are you learning both piano and violin?

B: Yes, I try to make time to practice them both.

A: Wow, that’s really impressive.

B: Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if I had taken lessons back when I was young.

A: Still. it’s really admirable that you’re taking on the challenge now.

B: Thank you. I hope to use what I’ve learned to help others someday.