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Adjustable Desks

사진: Unsplash 의 Standsome Worklifestyle

As recently as a few years ago, when I saw people working standing up at the office, I used to think, “Why do they make things hard for themselves?” But I think differently now. People do it to compensate for symptoms like weight gain and neck and back pain, which are caused by sitting at a desk for long hours.

Recently, the company I work at provided adjustable desks to employees. Using this desk helped alleviate neck pain and allowed me to burn more calories while I work.

But there can be too much of a good thing. One day, while working standing up this way, I experienced severe pain in my leg. It made me spare a thought for people who have to work standing up all day long. I feel grateful for my working conditions and for having the choice whether to stand or sit.


compensate - to provide something to reduce the effect of something that has been lost or damaged

alleviate - to make pain or problems less severe

seen around - sth/sb noticed or observed in various places, often within a particular area or community


불과 몇 년 전까지만 해도 사무실에서 서서 일하는 사람들을 보면 "왜 저렇게 힘들게 일하지?"라고 생각했다. 하지만 지금은 생각이 달라졌다. 장시간 책상에 앉아있을 때 생기는 체중 증가, 목과 허리 통증과 같은 증상을 보완하기 위해 그렇게 하는 것이다.

최근 내가 근무하는 회사에서는 직원들에게 높낮이 조절이 가능한 책상을 제공했다. 이 책상을 사용하면서 목 통증이 완화되고 일하는 동안 더 많은 칼로리를 소모할 수 있었다.

하지만 과유불급이라고 했던가? 하루는 이렇게 서서 일하다가 다리에 심한 통증을 느꼈다. 이로 인해 하루 종일 서서 일해야 하는 사람들을 생각하게 되었다. 일어서서 일하든 앉아서 일하든, 이것을 선택할 수 있는 근무 환경에서 일하고 있음에 감사하게 된다.


  • You will only make things hard for yourself if you don’t start right away. / Don’t make things hard for yourself by attempting too much.
  • I stretch occasionally to alleviate neck pain. / Some people need to take medication to alleviate neck pain.
  • I worked all day long to finish that report. / We played tennis all day long.

A: Do you know about adjustable desks?

B: Yes, I have seen them around.

A: Some companies provide them for employee welfare these days.

B: It seems like they would be healthier than sitting at a desk all day.

A: I spend a lot of time seated at work, too.

B: It would be great to split the time between standing and sitting.