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My Daughter’s Love of Apples Our 8-year-old daughter is crazy about apples; she eats one or two every morning. I even put some apple slices in her lunchbox so she can snack on them when she gets hungry in the afternoon. It seems like she never gets tired of them.Apples are a health food, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and other nutrients. There’s an old saying that an apple in the morning is gold, bu..
Recovering from a Brain Injury The purpose of rehabilitation therapy is to help patients get back to their daily lives. Due to increasing average lifespans, rehabilitation therapy is becoming more and more important.Rehabilitation therapy is a vast and diverse field. One of the most widely recognized categories is rehabilitation therapy after a brain injury.When brain tissue is damaged due to an incident such as having a stro..
Performing at a Wedding I have a friend named Knoa, a young man from Hawaii whom I got to know at a language exchange meetup. Around this time last year, he announced his wedding. As someone who was as passionate about the flute as I was about English, I confidently boasted that I would perform at his wedding.However, I had never actually performed at a wedding before. I had to handle everything myself, from selecting ..
Post-retirement Life Ever since I called it a career, I have been spending every morning studying English and Japanese. My language teachers are the various programs on EBS.After studying, I try to write about ten sentences using the expressions I learned that day. I share these compositions in our family’s chatroom with my husband and children. My husband also uses what he has learned to write in English and shares..
Adjustable Desks As recently as a few years ago, when I saw people working standing up at the office, I used to think, “Why do they make things hard for themselves?” But I think differently now. People do it to compensate for symptoms like weight gain and neck and back pain, which are caused by sitting at a desk for long hours.Recently, the company I work at provided adjustable desks to employees. Using this des..
Learning an Instrument I’m a working professional learning piano and violin as a hobby. I studied piano for about 5 years in grade school. If I add up all the periods here and there, I must have studied piano for at least 10 years. As for the violin, I’ve been taking lessons for about 3 years. I take piano and violin lessons from a married couple every other week. I learn violin from the wife and piano from the husban..
Clumsiness I feel like I was born with two left feet. I’ve never properly cleared a hurdle, and whenever a ball came towards me, I was always tripping over my own feet. I guess my sense of distance with things like balls was off somehow. So, I didn’t enjoy phys ed class, and there were days when I couldn’t fit in with the other boys who enjoyed ball games. As an adult, I wasn’t too bothered by my lack of a..
Breastfeeding There is a saying that breast milk is the greatest gift for a newborn baby.Breastfeeding not only promotes good health for the baby, but also has positive emotional effects.After delivering a baby, mothers decide how to feed their child. There are different methods such as formula feeding, mixed feeding, and breastfeeding.Exclusive breastfeeding means feeding the baby only breast milk without an..