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My Sister

사진: Unsplash 의 Juliane Liebermann

I am the fifth of seven sisters. One of my sisters is especially dear to me - my eldest sister. She has always been the one to provide answers and guidance during the most difficult and pivotal moments of my life.

After our parents passed away a few years ago, my eldest sister and her husband stepped up even more, taking on the role of our parents. Sometimes, I almost feel like our late mom and da have been reincarnated as my sister and brother-in-law.

Even though I am over 40 now, my sister still does all she can to take care of me. She even looks after my children, for which I am endlessly grateful.

I hope to live a long and healthy life with her, repaying her for all she has done for me.


especially dear to - something is very important or valuable to someone, particularly or above all

pivotal moment - a significant moment in time that can change your life or the direction of something

step up - come forward for a particular purpose


저는 일곱 자매 중 다섯째다. 언니들 중 특히 내게 특별한 언니가 있다. 바로 우리 큰 언니이다. 내가 살아오면서 가장 힘들고 중요한 순간에 항상 해답과 지침을 제시해 준 장본인이 바로 우리 언니다.

몇 년 전 부모님이 돌아가신 후에는 큰언니와 형부가 더욱 적극적으로 나서서 부모님 역할을 대신해 주었다. 가끔은 돌아가신 어머니와 아버지가 언니와 형부로 환생한 것 같은 착각이 들 정도이다.

나는 이제 마흔이 넘었지만 우리 언니는 여전히 나를 정성껏 챙겨준다. 심지어 우리 아이들까지 돌봐주고 있어서 정말 감사한 마음뿐이다.

언니와 함께 건강하게 오래오래 살면서 언니가 내게 해준 모든 것에 보답하고 싶다.

  • This book is especially dear to me. / That necklace is especially dear to her because she got it from her grandmother.
  • We did all we could, so now we have to wait. / I’ll do all I can, but it might not be enough.
  • If you want to live a long and healthy life, you have to quit smoking. / I hope to live a long and healthy life with my wife after retirement.

A: Do you have any older siblings in your family?

B: All seven siblings in our family are sisters, and I’m the fifth oldest.

A: Wow, so you have older sisters and younger ones too.

B: Yes, and our eldest sister takes really good care of us.

A: There must be a big age gap.

B: She’s 12 years older than me. Sometimes, she feels like a parent.