Back when I was in college, I took a class called “The Joy of Children’s Literature.” Among the lessons from that class, the one that has stayed with me to this day is to allow children the freedom to choose their own books.
Many parents try to take a hand in their children’s book choice. But the class emphasized the importance of giving kids the authority to choose their own books. By reading, children interact with the author, with themselves, and with other readers. Through this process, they learn social skills and develop the ability to decide what is right on their own.
Now that I am a mother raising a son, I think about this lesson every time we take a trip to the library. I hope my child can enjoy the freedom to choose his own books, and that the joy of reading begins with that freedom.
stay with someone to this day - to continue to be associated with or influenced by someone over a long period of time
take a hand in - participate in something or to have some influence or involvement in it
대학에 다닐 때 “아동 문학의 즐거움”이라는 수업을 들었다.
그 수업에서 배운 내용 중 지금까지도 기억에 남는 것은 아이들이 스스로 책을 선택할 수 있도록 하라는 것이다.
많은 부모들이 자녀의 책 선택에 관여하려고 한다. 하지만 이 수업에서는 아이들에게 스스로 책을 선택할 수 있는 권한을 주는 것이 중요하다고 강조했다. 아이들은 책을 읽으면서 작가, 자기 자신, 다른 독자들과 소통한다. 이 과정서 아이들은 사회성을 배우고 무엇이 옳은지 스스로 판단할 수 있는 능력을 키운다.
아들을 키우는 엄마가 된 지금, 나는 도서관에 갈 때마다 이 내용이 떠오른다. 아이가 스스로 책을 선택할 수 있는 자유를 누리고, 그 자유에서 독서의 즐거움이 시작되기를 바란다.
- Our boss tries to take a hand in everything we do. / My parents took a hand in all of my decisions.
- My parents always emphasized the importance of family. / I try to emphasize the importance of teamwork.
- I eventually developed the ability to do it myself. / Children must develop the ability to do things without assistance.
A: I often feel anxious, always wishing my child would pick a different book.
B: I feel the same way.
A: But I’ve heard somewhere that it’s better to let children choose their own books.
B: Oh, really?
A: Yes, they say that the process of choosing is where the joy of reading begins.
B: Oh, that makes sense!