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Making Dumplings

사진: Unsplash 의 Portuguese Gravity

During the Lunar New Year holiday this year, I got together with some friends to make dumplings. We watched YouTube videos together to figure out the necessary ingredients, and went grocery shopping. The five of us sat down, chopped vegetables, and mixed all the ingredients together to make the dumpling filling.

Before steaming the final batch, we steamed 10 samples of meat and kimchi dumplings. We added a few more ingredients after tasting them to finish the filling, and finally made about a hundred dumplings.

The group was comprised of friends of the host, so we were unfamiliar with each other at first. But as we sat around making dumplings and shooting the breeze, we quickly became friends. We even promised to meet up again for the next holidays and try making a new dish together.


be comprised of - to have things or people as parts or members; to consist of

shoot the breeze - to spend time talking about things that are not important


올해 설 연휴에 나는 친구들과 모여 만두를 빚었다. 함께 유튜브 동영상을 보며 필요한 재료를 알아보고 장을 보러 갔다. 다섯 명이 둘러앉아 채소를 다지고 재료를 섞어 만두소를 만들었다. 

마지막 만두를 찌기 전에 고기만두와 김치 만두 샘플 10개를 쪘다. 맛을 본 후 재료를 몇 가지 더 추가하여 만두소를 완성하고 최종적으로 약 100개의 만두를 만들었습니다. 

주최자의 친구들로 구성된 그룹이라 처음에는 서로 낯설었다. 하지만 둘러앉아 만두를 빚으며 이야기를 나누다 보니 금세 친해졌다. 다음 명절에 또 만나서 새로운 요리를 함께 만들어보자고 약속도 했다.

  • I got together with some friends over the weekend. / I enjoy getting together with some friends on Fridays.
  • We quickly became friends as we worked on the assignment. / They quickly became friends thanks to a shared hobby.
  • People always promise to meet up again. / We promised to meet up again, but we haven’t had a chance yet.

A: What did you do over the holiday?

B: I got together with some friends, and we cooked and ate together.

A: You didn't spend time with your family?

B: No, we usually see each other before the holiday, and then spend the actual holiday apart.

A: Oh, that’s a good way to do it.

B: Yeah, I have a few friends who do the same, so we always get together for the holidays.