My sons grew up watching Lightning Man on EBS. They would dance along to the Lightning Man song and even wore Lightning Man outfits to their daycare center every day.
Then, one day, we heard that Lightning Man was coming to perform in our area. The kids eagerly counted down the days until the show. The Lightning Man performance was amazing. The kids couldn’t take their eyes off the stage.
As an adult, even I found the performance to be very entertaining and deeply moving.
After the show, all the actors came down to the audience to meet the kids in person. They greeted the children and took pictures with them. The Lightning Man show we saw that day will remain a cherished memory for a long time.
cherish - to keep hopes, memories, or ideas in your mind because they are important to you and bring you pleasure
내 아들들은 EBS ‘번개맨’을 보고 자랐다. 번개맨 노래에 맞춰 춤을 추기도 하고 매일 번개맨 의상을 입고 어린이집에 다니기도 했다.
그러던 어느 날 번개맨이 우리 지역으로 공연을 온다는 소식을 접했다. 아이들은 공연 날까지 손꼽아 기다렸다. 번개맨 공연은 정말 대단했다. 아이들은 무대에서 눈을 떼지 못했다. 어른인 내가 느끼기에도 공연이 매우 재미있고 감동적이었다.
공연이 끝난 후 모든 배우들이 객석으로 내려와 아이들을 직접 만났다. 그들은 아이들과 인사를 나누고 함께 사진을 찍었다. 그날 본 번개맨 공연은 오랫동안 소중한 추억으로 남을 것 같다.
- There aren’t many restaurants in our area. / How was the weather in your area?
- I couldn’t take my eyes off her. / We couldn’t take our eyes off the TV.
- She’s much friendlier if you meet her in person. / I can’t wait to meet him in person.
A: What characters did your kids like when they were young?
B: My kids? They were huge fans of Lightning Man.
A: Oh, really? My kids were, too.
B: They would shout and cheer for Lightning Man whenever he was in danger.
A: Haha! That sounds really familiar.
B: I guess kids are all the same growing up.