The word “deokhu” refers to someone who is deeply passionate about an interest or hobby. My entire family could be considered deokhu.
I am the eldest daughter, and my hobbies include reading, board games, and escape rooms. I enjoy activities that involve thinking and problem-solving.
My younger sister’s hobbies are music and fashion. Among the siblings, she could be called the ‘hipster.” always keeping up with the latest trends.
My younger sister’s hobby is gaming. She primarily enjoys console games and says she feels happiest when she can fully immerse herself in the latest releases.
Our parents have hobbies that are more classic and elegant compared to ours. My mother’s hobbies are knitting and being a devoted fan of the popera group “LA POEM.” My father’s hobby is the most unique of all: studying classical Chinese texts such as the “Analects of Confucius” and “The Great Learning.” Recently, he has been deeply absorbed in studying the original text of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty.
keep up with sth - to continue to know the newest information about (something)
absorbed - very interested in something and not paying attention to anything else
‘덕후’라는 말은 관심사나 취미에 풀 빠진 사람을 지칭한다. 우리 가족 모두가 덕후라고 할 수 있다.
장녀인 나는 독서, 보드게임, 방탈출이 취미다. 사고력과 문제 해결력이 필요한 활동을 좋아한다.
여동생의 취미는 음악과 패션이다. 자매들 사이에서 '힙스터'라고 불릴 정도로 항상 최신 트렌드를 따른다.
셋째의 취미는 게임이다. 주로 콘솔 게임을 즐기며, 최신작에 완전히 몰입할 수 있을 때 가장 행복하다고 말한다.
부모님의 취미는 우리들에 비해 좀 더 클래식하고 우아하다. 어머니의 취미는 뜨개질과 팝페라 그룹 “LA POEM”의 열렬한 팬이다. 아버지의 취미는 ‘논어와 ‘대학’과 같은 중국 고전 공부이다. 최근에는 조선왕조실록 원문 공부에 푹 빠져 있다.
- My husband is deeply passionate about cooking. / She is deeply passionate about that issue.
- I don’t know anything about the latest trends. / I am not interested in the latest trends anymore.
- I am a devoted fan of 90’s hip-hop music. / She is a devoted fan of that company’s phones.
A: Our house is often so quiet that you can hear a pin drop.
B: Really? Why is that?
A: It’s because everyone is absorbed in their own hobbies.
B: Is everyone like that?
A: Yes, it runs in the family, including both of my parents.
B: It’s good to have a healthy hobby. You must get it from your parents.