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Walking Barefoot

사진: Unsplash 의 Alicia Christin Gerald


I first got into walking barefoot thanks to a friend I met at a health lecture a few years ago. At first, I just did it whenever I had some free time. But these days, it has become a routine for me to walk for about two hours every day without fail while listening to EBS broadcasts.

I highly recommended walking barefoot to an older friend who was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. After just three months, she received test results saying she didn’t need cancer treatment any longer. Watching that process, I became a vocal advocate for walking barefoot.

In our neighborhood, there is a wonderful mountain that is just the place for walking barefoot. Some people who believe that it’s patriotic to stay away from the hospital as they get older even gathered together to establish a barefoot walking school. The membership has exceeded 150 people. They post daily validation pics, and award themselves certificates when they reach a hundred days.


Metastatic cancer - cancer that has spread from where it started to another part of the body

vocal advocate for - someone who speaks out strongly and confidently in support of a certain belief, cause, or opinion

acupressure - a treatment for pain or illness in which certain parts of the body are pressed with the hands


내가 맨발 걷기를 처음 알게 된 것은 몇 년 전 건강 강좌에서 만난 친구 덕분이다. 처음에는 틈 나는 대로 하다가, 요즘은 하루도 안 빠지고 매일 EBS 방송을 들으며 2시간 정도 걷는 게 내 루틴이 되었다. 

폐 전이암 판정받은 지인 언니한테도 맨발 걷기를 적극 추천했다. 3개월 만에 항암 치료를 더 이상 안 받아도 된다는 검사 결과를 받았다고 한다. 그런 과정을 보면서 나는 맨발 걷기 홍보 대사가 되었다.

우리 동네에는 맨발로 걷기에 너무 좋은 산이 하나 있다. 나이 들면서 병원 안 가는 게 애국이라 생각하는 분들이 모여서 맨발 걷기 학교까지 만들었다. 회원이 150명 이상이다. 매일 인증숏도 올리고 100일이 되면 자신한테 표창장도 수여한다.


  • I play with my son whenever I have some free time. / I try to read whenever I have some free time.
  • I was a vocal advocate for that policy. / My friend is a vocal advocate for vegetarianism.
  • The cafe is just the place for reading or studying. / I know just the place for our group meetings.

A: I see you walk barefoot.

B: Yes, they say walking barefoot is really good for your health.

A: Oh, really?

B: It’s a good workout, and it provides acupressure effects for your feet.

A: I see.

B: You should definitely give it a try. I do it every morning.