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Study Habits

Everyone has their own unique study habits. When I study, I need to clear my desk to concentrate. Sometimes, when I look at my hands after I have been hard at work for a while, I see I have chewed on my hangnails. I do this without thinking about it. I also often talk to myself when I study, or jot down notes while watching lectures. My study habits usually pop up when I learn something new or discover something that piques my interest. It's because I have tunnel vision on days when I'm studying effectively, scribbling notes with my pencil. Sometimes, I get curious about other people's study habits. I also wonder about the habits of older people, since I'm still a young student.


  • Everyone was hard at work already when I arrived. / When I am hard at work, I prefer to be alone.
  • I didn't find anything at the store that piqued my interest. / I heard something that might pique your interest.
  • People who have tunnel vision should learn to see the bigger picture. / I had tunnel vision for so long that I didn't know what to do afterwards.

1: Do you have any particular study habits?

2: I have a habit of making detailed plans before I hit the books.

1: Oh really?

2: Yes. I plan my studies by the hour.

1: Are you able to stick to the plan?

2: It depends. I think there are more days when I can't make it.