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Yoga and Me

I have been practicing yoga for about five years. When I first got into it, I couldn't even do the most basic, simple leg stretches. I was in agony during every class. Still, I didn't call it quits. I constantly braced myself and continued to practice hard. I straightened my upper body as a result, fixing my hunched over posture. I also strengthened my core and successfully lost weight. Yoga also helped me recover my mental health. I achieved this through yoga meditation. Turning on soothing lndia yoga meditation music and taking time for introspection was a valuable experience. Inner peace through yoga has become a gift that keeps on giving. At the age of thirty, I became certified as a yoga instructor. I am grateful for my current job and my job satisfaction is high, but someday I would like to have a side job teaching yoga. 


  • I was so frustrated that I wanted to call it quits.​ / It got dark, so we decided to call it quits.
  • People should take time for introspection, no matter how busy they are. / I meditate and take time for introspection every evening.
  • The gym members became a gift that keeps on giving. / This movie is a gift that keeps on giving.

1: You're very gung-ho about yoga, aren't you?
2: Yes, I've been practicing it for about 3 years.
1: Really? You must really have it down by now.
2: Not really. You need to practice yoga for 10 years to have something to shout about.
1: Oh, I see.
2: Yoga really is great. You should definitely gve it a try. I can't recommend it enough.