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Cooking for the Family on Weekends

I am ordinary 40-something dad of two girls, an 8th grader and a 6th grader. Various types of cooking shows can be seen on TV. We were watching one of those shows about three years ago, when my younger daughter said, "I wish you would cook for us like those chefs." Right on the spot, I promised I would do just that. But to be honest, I was worried. I had never cooked before and I didn't know the first thing about it. I decided to make fried rice, the easiest dish I could think of. I started cooking for the first time in high spirits, but I faced a major hurdle right away while prepping the ingredients. It took me two hours just to prepare the vegetables.

3 years have passed since then. Now, I can quickly whip up dishes my daughters like, including pasta, Chinese food, and basic Korean dishes. And of course, the whole family is safisfied with results.


  • I do not know the first thing about camping. / I'd like to help, but I do not know the first thing about investing money.
  • We started in high spirits, but soon became tired. / He's still in the hospital, but he is in high spirits.
  • If you get a meal kit, you don't need to prep the ingredients. / Prepping the ingredients in the most difficult part of this recipe.

1: I've been taking cooking lessons, for my kids.
2: Really?
1: Yes. On weekends, I make it a point to cook for them.
2: They must really get a kick our of that!
1: It took forever at first, but now it's no sweat.
2: You're such a wonderful dad.