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Wildlife Traffic Accident

사진: Unsplash 의 Steven Pahel

I’m a listener who recently moved to Gangwon-do province because of my job. To celebrate moving to Gangwon-do, I decided to enjoy the winter sport of snowboarding by getting a season pass for the first time. So, at 5 p.m. on New Year’s Day, my girlfriend and I set out in my car to drive to the ski resort.

But suddenly, out of nowhere, a water deer appeared on the road. I instinctively slammed the brakes, but the deer froze in the headlights and ended up colliding with my car.

We were in a state of shock, but we quickly gathered ourselves and reported the incident. Since it was a traffic accident on the first day of the new year, we took it as a bit of bad luck and are grateful that no one was hurt.


set out - to start a journey; to begin to carry out a plan of action

slam (on) the brakes - to use the brake in a vehicle suddenly and with force:

state of shock - experiencing a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling because of something unexpected

gather oneself - to prepare oneself mentally to do something that requires effort


나는 직장 때문에 최근 강원도로 이사 온 청취자이다. 강원도로 이사한 기념으로 처음으로 시즌권을 구입해 겨울 스포츠인 스노보드를 즐기기로 결심했다. 그래서 새해 첫날 오후 5시에 여자친구와 함께 차를 타고 스키장으로 출발했다.

그런데 갑자기 갑자기 고라니 한 마리가 도로에 나타났다. 본능적으로 브레이크를 세게 밟았지만 고라니가 헤드라이트를 보고 멈춰서 결국 내 차와 충돌했다.

우리는 어안이 벙벙했지만 이내 정신을 차리고 사고 신고를 했다. 새해 첫날에 일어난 교통사고였기 때문에 액땜으로 여기며 아무도 다치지 않은 것만으로도 감사하게 생각하고 있다.

  • The news came out of nowhere. / He started shouting out of nowhere. 
  • You shouldn’t slam the brakes when the road is slippery. / I slammed the brakes, but it was too late.
  • I needed a moment to gather myself. / It took some time to gather myself. 

A: You have a dent in your front bumper.

B: Yes, I had an accident with a wild animal while driving on a mountain road at night.

A: Oh no, that could have been really dangerous.

B: I can still vividly remember how shocked I was.

A: Thank goodness you weren’t hurt.

B: I realized that you need to drive extra carefully in areas where wild animals might appear.