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Subscription Services

사진: Unsplash 의 Marques Thomas

In the past, “subscription” usually meant regular subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. But the meaning of “subscriptions” these days has expanded to cover a wide area.

There’s even a term now called the “Subscription Economy.” This refers to economic activities where people make regular payments at a flat rate and continuously receive goods or services

I recently checked which services I have signed up for, and I found that I’m using quite a lot of them. I have about 20 subscriptions, including media content, social media, online shopping, cloud services, and AI services.

Using subscription services makes life more convenient in many ways. You can receive various discounts and membership benefits, so I plan to keep using them in the future.


all sorts of things - a large number of different things or people

that many - as many as stated


예전에는 '구독'이 신문이나 잡지를 정기 구독한다는 의미로 사용되었다. 하지만 요즘 '구독'의 의미는 매우 광범위하게 확장되었다. 

이제는 ‘구독 경제’라는 용어까지 생겼다. 이는 사람들이 일정 금액을 정기적으로 지불하고 상품이나 서비스를 지속적으로 제공받는 경제 활동을 말한다. 

최근에 내가 어떤 서비스에 가입했는지 확인해 보니 생각보다 많이 이용하고 있었다. 미디어 콘텐츠, 소셜 미디어, 온라인 쇼핑, 클라우드 서비스, 인공지능 서비스 등 약 20개 정도 되는 것 같았다. 

구독 서비스를 이용하면 여러모로 생활이 더 편리해진다. 다양한 할인과 멤버십 혜택도 받을 수 있어서 앞으로도 계속 이용할 예정이다.

  • The course covers a wide area, so you need to concentrate. / The author’s books cover a wide area.
  • There are many ways to receive goods or services these days. / It’s a convenient way to receive goods or services.
  • Not all electronic gadgets make life more convenient. / You can make life more convenient by planning ahead.

A: I find myself subscribing to all sorts of things these days.

B: Same here.

A: I made a list, and I realized I have at least 20 subscriptions.

B: I think I have about that many, too.

A: When I add them all up, the monthly subscription fees come out to be quite a lot.

B: That’s true, but I feel like it’s worth it.