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My Good Friend, Ami

사진: Unsplash 의 Chewy

Our dog “Ami” joined our family when I was 13 years old. I spent all of my school years with Ami. Now Ami is 15 years old. About two years ago, she started developing warts all over her body and stopped reacting to her favorite work, “treat.” It seemed like she couldn’t hear well. Recently, her condition took a downturn and she can no longer see.

Watching her bump into walls and objects because she can’t see breaks my heart. It’s frustrating that I can’t convey how much I love and care for her, since she can’t talk or understand what I am saying.

My family and I know, and probably Ami does too, that she will soon leave our side. I once believed Ami would be with me forever, and the thought of her leaving brings me to tears every time I see her.


wart - a small, hard lump that grows on the skin and is caused by a virus

bump into - to hit someone or something with your body, usually by accident


내가 13살 때 우리 강아지 '아미'가 우리 가족에게 왔다. 나는 학창 시절을 모두 아미와 함께 보냈다. 이제 아미는 15살이 되었고, 약 2년 전부터 몸 여기저기에 사마귀가 생기기 시작했고 가장 좋아하는 단어인 “간식”을 말해도 잘 들리지 않는지 반응하지 않았다. 최근에는 건강상태가 더욱 악화되어 더 이상 앞을 볼 수 없게 되었다. 

앞이 보이지 않아 벽이나 물건에 부딪히는 모습을 보면 마음이 너무 아프다. 말을 할 수 없고 내 말을 알아듣지 못하기 때문에 내가 얼마나 많이 사랑하고 걱정하는지 전달이 안되어 속상하다. 

아미가 곧 떠날 거라는 것을 나도, 우리 가족도, 아마 아미 스스로도 알고 있을 것이다. 영원히 함께할 것이라고 믿었던 아미가 떠날 거라는 생각에 나는 아미를 볼 때마다 눈물이 난다.

  • I have to apply sunscreen all over my body before I go to the beach. / I get hives all over my body if I drink milk.
  • His health took a  downturn last month. / The company took a downturn because of the product’s failure.
  • It broke my heart when I heard the news. / It would break her heart if she knew.

A: You mentioned that your dog is sick, didn’t you?

B: Yes, she’s old and in a lot of pain.

A: Oh no, that must be so hard for you.

B: I tear up every time I see her.

A: It seems like you loved her as if she were family.

B: That’s right. She has been with us for 15 years, just like a member of the family.