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Electronic Books

사진: Unsplash 의 Spencer

As an avid reader, collecting paper books has been a hobby of mine. Whenever I happened to come across books with unique paper materials, beautiful covers, or lovely illustrations, I felt the urge to collect them. But as I kept buying books left and right, I soon ran out of space on my bookshelf.

So, I had no choice but to purchase an eBook reader device. Buying eBooks naturally solved my problem with a lack of physical space on my bookshelf.

But the problem now is that I have started hoarding eBooks, too. In the past, I had to visit a bookstore, browse through each book, and carefully consider each purchase. But now, I can buy a book with just a click of the mouse.

Before I knew it, my eBook reader’s purchase history had piled up to nearly 2,000 books.


avid - extremely eager or interested

left and right - in a very quick and uncontrolled way

before one knows it - very quickly or soon


책 읽기를 좋아하는 나는 종이책 수집을 취미로 삼고 있다. 독특한 종이 소재, 아름다운 표지, 멋진 삽화가 있는 책을 우연히 발견할 때마다 수집 욕구가 생겼다. 하지만 계속 책을 사 모으다 보니 어느새 책장 공간이 부족해졌다. 

그래서 어쩔 수 없이 전자책 기기를 구입했다. 전자책을 구입하니 책장의 물리적 공간 부족 문제는 자연스레 해결되었다. 

하지만 지금 문제는 전자책 사재기를 하고 있는 것이다. 예전에는 서점에 가서 책을 하나하나 살펴보고 신중하게 구매해야 했다. 하지만 지금은 마우스 클릭 한 번으로 책을 구입할 수 있다. 

어느새 전자책 기기의 구매 내역이 2,000권 가까이 쌓였다.


  • Sometimes, I feel the urge to sing out loud. / I often feel the urge to snack when I am stressed out.
  • My husband keeps buying whiskey left and right. / He made promises he couldn’t keep left and right.
  • You can find the answer with just a click of the mouse. / With just a click of the mouse, I was able to reserve a seat.

A: It looks like you’ve got an eBook reader device.

B: Yeah. I hardly ever buy paper books anymore. I buy and read eBooks instead.

A: But didn’t you prefer paper books in the past?

B: Yes, that’s right. But my bookshelf is full, so I’ve run out of space for new books.

A: You’re such a bookworm. I’m really impressed.

B: Sometimes I feel nostalgic about paper books. That’s why I sometimes reread the ones I have.