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Drone Pilot Certification

사진: Unsplash 의 Sam McGhee

Drones are an eco-friendly mode of transportation that offers convenient benefits. But on the other hand, they are also used as weapons of war, illustrating their dual nature. I first encountered drones while searching for a hobby to enjoy outdoors during the COVIS-19 pandemic.

At first, I was afraid that my lack of skill in controlling drones might cause damage. To overcome my fear, I studied the relevant regulations and obtained a Class 1 drone license. After that, I practiced flying drones in various environments and even felt motivated to pursue a certification as a drone instructor.

To learn this certification, I need to hold a Class 1 license, have at least 100 hours of flight experience, complete a three-day group training course, and pass a written exam. I successfully passed the exam and am now eagerly waiting for my certification to arrive by mail.


dual nature - something can have two sides or different qualities that coexist

have a knack for - person is particularly good at something, often intuitively


드론은 편리한 이점을 제공하는 친환경 교통수단이다. 하지만 다른 한편으로는 전쟁 무기로도 사용되는 동전의 양면성을 보여 주고 있다. 나는 코로나19 팬데믹 기간 동안 야외에서 즐길 수 있는 취미를 찾다가 드론을 처음 접하게 되었다. 

처음에는 드론을 조종 실력이 부족해 피해를 입힐까 봐 두려웠다. 두려움을 극복하기 위해 관련 규정을 공부하고 1종 드론 면허를 취득했다. 그 후 다양한 환경에서 드론 비행을 연습하면서 드론 지도자자격증에 도전하고 싶은 욕심까지 생겼다. 

이 자격증을 따려면 1급 면허를 소지하고 100시간 이상의 비행 경력이 있어야 하며, 2박 3일간의 집합 교육 과정을 이수하고 필기시험을 통과해야 한다. 나는 시험에 합격했고 지금은 자격증이 우편으로 도착하기만을 기다리고 있다.

  • I overcame my fear of rollercoasters for my son / It wasn’t easy to overcome my fear of public speaking.
  • The product can be used in various environments. / Products developed in Korea can be used in various environments.
  • I had to pass a written exam before I could apply. / My interview was great, but I didn’t pass the written exam.

A: Wow, you really have a knack for piloting drones.

B: Oh, thank you.

A: Did you take lessons to learn how to do it?

B: Yes, I obtained a Class 1 drone license.

A: Oh, there’s a certification for that? 

B: Yes, I prepared for about six months and passed the exam.