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Dental Treatment

People always say you shouldn't postpone going to the dentist. It's because putting off treatment will result in more pain and higher costs. A while ago, I felt some pain in my left upper molar. I went to the dentist's, but they said nothing was wrong each time. Then, during a dental check-up a few years later, they found a cavity in the gap between the two upper molars on the left. It was a bad cavity, and they said I needed a root canal. I had to go every week for a month to get treatment. The first two times, I was in agony even though they gave me a local anesthetic. I needed to take painkillers after the treatment. The doctor made a mold of my tooth at the end of my treatment, and a week later I got a dental crown. 


  • It can be quite dangerous if you put off treatment. / I regret putting off treatment.
  • It's important to receive dental check-ups regularly. / I received teeth scaling during my dental check-up.
  • It can be dangerous to take painkillers too often. / I had to take painkillers for several days after the surgery.

1: Why are you picking at your food?
2: My right molar keeps bothering me.
1: Do you have a cavity?
2: I went to the dentist's a while ago. they said I'm all good.
1: Really?
2: Yes. But it hurts whenever I chew. I think I'll have to make a dentist appointment again.