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A Trip to Cebu

사진: Unsplash 의 Rowan Heuvel

I recently went on a trip with my high school buddies. We couldn’t travel for a while because of COVID-19 restrictions, but we finally decided to go this year.

We had been saving up for several years, and we decided to use that money for this trip. After searching for information on various countries in Southeast Asia, we settled on Cebu in the Philippines, where we found a resort that we liked. We left our husbands at home, taking one child each on the trip for moms and kids only. 

During the 5-day trip, the kids enjoyed outdoor sports like snorkeling, parasailing, and swimming. They also had fun experiencing various activities like getting their hair braided and receiving growth massages. 

The Filipino people we met spoke Korean much more fluently than we had expected. When we spoke in English, they understood my broken English without a problem. All six of us returned home safely, and it was truly a fantastic trip.


braided - pieces of hair or other material joined in a special pattern

have a blast - to have a great time


최근 고등학교 친구들과 여행을 다녀왔다. 코로나19 규제 때문에 한동안 여행을 가지 못했지만 올해 드디어 여행을 가기로 결정했다. 

우리는 몇 년 동안 곗돈을 모았고, 이번 여행경비로 그 돈을 사용하기로 결정했다. 

동남아시아의 여러 나라에 대한 정보를 검색한 끝에 마음에 드는 리조트가 있는 필리핀 세부로 결정했고, 남편 없이 아이 한 명씩을 데리고 엄마와 아이들만 여행을 떠났다. 

4박 5일 여행 동안 아이들은 스노클링, 패러세일링, 수영과 같은 야외 스포츠를 즐겼다. 또한 머리를 땋고 성장 마사지를 받는 등 다양한 활동을 체험하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. 

우리가 만난 필리핀 사람들은 예상보다 훨씬 더 유창하게 한국말을 잘했다. 영어로 소통할 때는, 내 부족한 영어를 찰떡같이 알아들었다. 우리 여섯 명 모두 무사히 집으로 돌아왔고, 정말 환상적인 여행이었다.

  • We went to a bookstore to search for information on that topic. / I like to search for information on various movies.
  • I gained a lot of weight during the 5-day trip. / I met her for the first time during the 5-day trip.
  • Thankfully, they all returned home safely. / My parents didn’t sleep until I returned home safely.

A: What’s this?

B: Oh, it’s a souvenir I picked up in Cebu.

A: That’s right. I remember you mentioning the trip.

B: Yes, I went on vacation with my friends and one child each.

A: Wow! It must have been an amazing trip.

B: We had such a blast that I felt sad coming back to Korea.