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The Pyramids

I always dreamed of going to see the Egyptian pyramids one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. So I set out on a backpacking trip when I was 23. When I woke up on my second day in Egypt, I felt elated to see pyramids outside my window. Seeing the giant stones so huge and yet stacked together with great craftsmanship, I was entranced by epic scale of pyramids. It boggled my mind that such architectural structures could be built thousands  of years ago. I remeber thinking that it's no joke that they are one of seven wonders.

The pyramids are set to have been built during the bronze age. The mummies, inside the pyramids, were specially worth nodding. The Egyptians believe in Sprits. The heart was left in place the body when making mummies.


  • It's expensive because of made with great craftsmanship.
  • Everyone was entranced by the view.
  • The size of painting boggled my mind. (mind boggling)

1: Wouldn't you love to see the Egyptian pyramids with your own two eyes?

2: It's on my bucket list.

1: Oh, really? 

2: Yes. I really want to visit Egypt before I kick the bucket.

1: Me, too.

2: In fact, I'd like to pay a visit to all of the seven wonders in person.