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The Pain of Constipation

사진: Unsplash 의 charlesdeluvio


My second child, who is now 5 years old, had been suffering from constipation since around the time he turned one. For a mom, there is no greater happiness than seeing your child eat well, sleep well, and have regular bowel movements. So, when my child only picked at his food because he couldn’t go potty, it troubled me as a mom. It also made him feel gassy and bloated.

The constipation led to hardened stools, making it painful for my child to go number two. This made him afraid to move his bowels. This tendency to hold it in was a big problem. It was a vicious cycle.

So, we visited a pediatrician, got a prescription, and took the medicine for over six months. The stools became softer after taking the medicine, reducing the pain during bowel movements. The constipation gradually improved. I am grateful that my child now eats well and has no problem going to the bathroom.


constipation - a condition which makes someone unable to empty their bowels as often as they should
pick at food - to eat only a small amount of your food, showing no interest or enjoyment while you eat it
bloated - swollen and rounded because of containing too much air, liquid, or food
enema - a treatment for cleaning the bowels by filling them with a liquid through the anus


  • I was distracted and picked at my food. / He picked at his food because he wasn’t hungry.
  • I feel gassy and bloated whenever I drink milk. / I felt gassy and bloated, so I went for a walk.
  • I usually move my bowels in the morning. / I had to move my bowels, but I couldn’t find a bathroom.


A: Do you have regular bowel movements?

B: No, I have chronic constipation. 

A: I can relate to that.

B: Do you take any medicine?

A: Yes, I take medicine when it’s severe. I’ve even had to get an enema at the hospital.

B: Oh, I feel your pain.